Sunday, April 30, 2017

Beckahm's Art Gala + Valentine's Dance

Our neighborhood friend that has a daughter who goes to B's school, invited him to go to the school Gala.  Little did I know how great of an event it was—his art was even on display! Sad I missed it but happy he got to go!  So proud of him; loved his art work!

His 100 Days of School T-Shirt.  I nearly kicked myself for coming up with this "cool idea" after modge podged each marshmallow 3 times.  But he loved it and surprisingly enough they all stayed on his shirt, which read "I charmed my way through 100 days of school".

This was by far the sweetest moment ever.  So I was super stressed and busy all day and I was honestly not going to go to his Vday dance, I didn't think he'd really care.  But as I was in the middle of cleaning my house, I heard a distinct voice say "get in the car and go to the dance."  I rationalized it a few times and then I heard it again, stronger than ever so I picked myself up and dusted my bad attitude off, got Amari in the car and off we went.  

I was searching for him in the lunch room for a while when Amari spotted him and ran over to him.  He turned around to see me and he got the biggest smile on his face and ran over to me, nearly knocking me over with a big bear hug.  He started crying and shaking.  I asked him what happened and he said "nothing, I am so happy you came.  I was hoping and praying so hard that you would come . . . thank you for coming mommy!"  

My heart sank within my chest.  I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord who reached out to me via the Holy Ghost (when I least deserved it because of my bad attitude) to answer the prayers of one of his children and to inspire me to be there when he needed me.  

The boys had so much fun dancing and laughing.  Amari ran right up to all the kids and chatted away with them like he'd known them for years.  I danced with the Beck's and I got all of his friends to dance with me (the all think I am the coolest mom—hehe).  It was such a fun time!