Friday, August 24, 2018

Dental Problems

It has been a whirlwind with my teeth lately! It has been so stressful for me lately trying to get the house packed and ready to move, trying to sell the house, trying to get the kids in school, schedule Amari's appts, figure out how all our finances are going to work; plan last minute trips, etc. All of this stress has made me crack my tooth from grinding at night.  So in June I had to extract one of my teeth because I cracked it and it got a cavity below the gum line.  Now I have to get a root canal on my other molar and a crown. Not only has this added to the stress as far as all the time it has taken and the money that's been spent, but it worries me about the future health of my teeth.  I officially have to sleep with a night guard every night.  UGH! I am seriously a brave person but when it comes to dental work, I sweat bullets! I can't handle dental pain the slightest bit.  I am grateful for really good dentists that helped ease my fears a little by the good work they did on my tooth.  

This was me going in for my permanent crown; the dental assistant was outstanding.  She allowed the boys to help her with her work! So awesome! We will miss this dentist! 

Last Time at the Zoo

Probably my favorite day at the zoo—our last day 😥. We loved feeding the giraffes—such incredible creatures....I love their faces in these photos. And I love Amaris cute facial expressions in these pics. We will miss you Birmingham Zoo 🦒🦏🐅🦓