Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Home Adventures

Getting ready to move into our first home 

On the hunt to find pallets to make many of our DIY projects in our new home, we met the most incredible man: Spencer.  He owns this lumber company in Bessemer.  He was not only so kind to give us as many pallets as we needed for such a great deal, but he was so kind to our boys.  He treated Beckahm with respect and as his equal and allowed him to get his hands dirty and help him load up some pallets.  It was awesome to see someone else teach and encourage Becks when he didn't think he could do it.  Spencer didn't shy away from telling him to "put his back into it" and to not give up.  It was awesome to see how Beckahm responded to him and how his self-esteem blossomed as he did something a little hard and something he was unfamiliar with.  It was a great learning lesson for Mike and I, to know that we don't need to be afraid to push him a little and to allow him to help out more around the house.  He forever made a new friend! 

All packed up and ready to go! Goodbye Ashby! Becks was of course sad to go; he probably could have lived in an apt forever and not known the difference.  We made so many good memories there (he had so many fun times with friends, celebrated two birthday's there . . . Amari lived there his whole life and met so many milestones there).  So it was bittersweet to leave, but we are excited to make memories in our new home!

Moving into a new home has been tranquil...a breath of fresh air. It has improved the quality of our life so much.  Mike and Beckahm have enjoyed this nightly ritual: picking weeds outside together.  I love this bonding time between them.  I love that I have a husband who loves to do yard work, and a little boy so eager to help and learn! 

A walk around our neighborhood.  It is a very quiet place with a little pond and a walking trail and a community pool.  

What a crazy mess Amari made.  He got a hold of my smoothie and knocked in on the ground and it got him soaked, the wall soaked, and all of our breakfast nook

Fruit salad with coconut whip cream: yum!

We are blessed to be surrounded by helpful, loving people.  We had people help watch the kids so we could pack and unpack, people help us load and unload and one of our friends brought us a meal with this cute dessert! So grateful!!

Every boy needs a t-pee

Beck's first pet: "pepper".  He has such a sweet heart, he wanted to let him go after a few days so he wouldn't die.  But the boys loved watching him hop around for those few days and Beck's was so good at "giving him exercise", feeding him crickets, and making sure he had a good home. 

We closed on the house! We are officially Alabama home owners! 

First play date in our new house

Love this sleeping beauty 

Amari and Beck's first sprinkler experience.  It was so fun to watch how excited Amari got. He loves playing in water.  

Sweet dreams my little princes!

"Reuse, recycle": snail house

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home"

Amari is so stinkin cute! He has the best sense of humor and he will usually crack up at just about any funny thing someone does.  He has been learning how to fake sneeze and he just walks around the house sneezing all the time, it is so cute!

Bubbles and water, that's all you need!

So proud of this little man, his first time on the "big" swing all by himself!

"Breakfast buddies"

Dancing with my Beau! We couldn't believe this old radio worked!!