Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I'm sending this FREEBIE tip out to all you hubby's that find yourself siding (yes even after 6, 10, 12 years of marriage) with the you know how long it takes a woman to groom herself from her eyebrows alllll the wayyyy downnnn to her hairy big toe? The short answer is: a REALLY long and tiresome amount of time (hence the reason MOMS view shaving as a LAST priority...let's face it, if I'm gonna schedule in a shave I am going to schedule in a nap). 
Anywho (only moms say anywho), THE TIP: if your wife slides into bed next to you AND your hand just so happens to cross that invisible "haven't I given you enough after 6 years" line, AND (dun dun dunnnn) you feel something exceptionally soft and smooth, just know you can put the Biebs song to bed for the night because "what do you mean" has JUST been answered with a clear and definite sign. Oh and just in case I need to make it a little more clear and definite: you better be putting the moves on your hot wife because she's not shavin those stems and pits to appease her own selfish vanity (that comes by way of clothes and shoes). 
Let's get real, if we were living in my Utopia, Animal Rights Activists would be out of a job due to "a woman's right to bare fur" (yes, especially in public AND at the beach). So the next time you start humming the catchy and ever so cleaver phrase "what do you mean," run your hand up your wife's thigh 😉👊🏻👏🏼👏🏼. 
Thank you, and your welcome

I love how music immediately transports you to a time and place you either long to re-live or long to forget... 
This one popped up on my Indie Pop station this morning and I immediately remembered one of the best times in my life, one of the best decisions I ever made: dating this fantastic guy. 
Memories resurfaced of rolling all over my Springville apartment— laughing till our bellies hurt, making silly, funny videos, hanging out at coffee shops, rolling down the window and singing/screaming "champagne supernova" to all the passerbys, all the late night ramblings and phone conversations, waking up one morning to find my favorite perfume on my doorstep, finding love letters in my mail box, getting a knock on my door in the wee hours of the morning because he couldn't wait to show me my wedding ring, making the poorest decision to hit up Del Taco at 2am and getting sick afterwards...
One song can resurface so many it. Thanks for making our first beginnings some of the best memories in my life! 😘😘 mike moncur