Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Beck's Soccer Game

Mr. Beckahm wrapped up the first of his tri-sports, with a soccer game.  It started out great, he LOVED the jersey, he loved the team spirit, but once the whistle blew it was over.  He had the hardest time understanding the concept of playing on a team, of kids taking the ball away from each other, of not taking turns and sharing, and of the entire chaos of 25 little munchkins running around after a ball.  I tried everything I could to explain things to him as he ran off the court mad, sad, crying.  I kept telling him all that mattered was that he kept trying and that he had a good attitude.  I told him I could careless if he kicked the ball into the goal or if he ended up loving or hating soccer.  I just wanted him to experience something knew, keep a good attitude, and have fun.  It was definitely a big struggle for him.  His coach was nice enough to take his hand and run him around the court and allow him to kick the ball once or twice on his own.  I know it has always been a struggle for Beckahm to disbelieve in his own abilities.  He always says "I can't do it!" And he gives up so easily.  I know this will be his greatest trial in life.  My only prayer is that he never gives up trying, that he will grow up seeing how incredibly talented and gifted he is, and know that his mom and dad are proud of him for trying and for keeping a positive attitude.  I love this little man, I am glad I get to be the Mother that struggles with him.  

This has been his face the past few weeks; he's developed quite the mean demeanor at times.  This was his face the 98% of the game :)