Thursday, July 18, 2013

4th of July

It was a rainy 4th, but we enjoyed our time together nonetheless.  We started the day with breakfast with the rest of Mike's work group at the Renaissance Hotel.  Then we took the kiddos swimming in the rain.  Beckahm went down a big water slide all on his own; the life guard said it was the first time a 2-year old went down it.

After naps we went took Beckahm and Amari to their first ever movie: Monsters Inc. II.  Becks LOVED the entire experience from the big screen, sitting in his own seat, eating his popcorn and candy, and watching the previews.  I think I was just as excited seeing him experience the theater (one of my favorites).  I had to take Amari out, as he was tired and ready for his nap, but soon joined Beck's and Mike.

We joined the rest of AP who met up at a local park and let off fireworks.  This being Amari's first 4th, he was so mesmerized by the fireworks.  I did feel awful getting a sparkler too close to him and a spark ended up getting on his leg, poor thing (left a little blister afterward).

I can't say enough how much Beckahm LOVED the entire day.  2 weeks later and every time I get him up from his nap he says "Airplane movie?" (The new Disney Airplanes was one of the previews and I told him we would go see it when it came out.  He was TRILLED and has been asking about it ever since).  He also asks to let off more fireworks on a weekly basis.  Guess the day was successfully memorable!

I am so grateful we have friends out here that we can spend the holidays with since we are so far from family!

I am so grateful to live in the beautiful country; even with all of it's problems, there is still NO other place on earth I would rather live.  I am grateful for those out serving our country and sacrificing being away from their own loved ones so I can enjoy this historical holiday with my own family.

Pre-4th of July Festivities (making a red cake)

Making fireworks with paint and a q-tip

Coloring 4th of July pictures

Amari's first 4th!!!

Beck's helping me pick out fireworks 

Breakfast with friends at the Renaissance

Let the fireworks begin