Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Beckahm Starts Kindergarten!!

This sweet little angel made me a mom, so it's no surprise that sending him off into the "big" world today is tugging at my heart strings. I've never been one to want to safe guard my children so much that it inhibits their ability to learn, make choices, and do whatever it is they were sent from heaven to do. But I would be dishonest to say that I'm not extremely grateful that he's pretty much only had my influence, his fathers influence and his brothers influence for the first five years of his life. I've been very open with him, and have taught him a lot but I've never overexposed him to the things that he will no doubt come across in this crazy, incredible, maddening world. 

My prayer and my hope as I sent him off to school today is that he will be kind. That he will use his incredible gift of observation and notice the boy that is sitting alone, the little girl that is missing her mom and dad extra hard that day. My prayer is that when he struggles—when he falls—he will get back up. That he will NEVER give up. My prayer is that he will use his gift of intellect to seek answers, to be inquisitive, to feed his creativity and his love of learning. My prayer is that his gift of obedience, and listening will make him the leader others long to follow. My prayer is that his sensitive heart will lead him to make good choices. Above all my  prayer is that he will remember who he is, the words we recite to him every night: you are a leader not a follower, a creator not a destroyer, a believer not a doubter. A force for good. A force for God. A leader. Defy the odds. Set a standard. Step up. Everyday in every way you get better and better. 

I'm so proud of this little man that has the most expansive soul in the universe. 

We are all rooting for you little man! You got this! 

This little cuties back to school kindergarten camp was today. This little stud CAN'T wait to go to school!! #mylittleboyallgrownup#kindergartenherewecome

His school is nestled down the country road! 

Carrying all his school supplies with the help of little brother. 

He had so much fun touring around the school, seeing where his PE class would meet, seeing the big lunchroom where he would eat lunch, seeing his classroom and finding his desk, and meeting his teacher and classmates.  He is going to do awesome!! 

His Kindergarten teacher Miss Burgess 

His lunchroom 

His gym 

Frozen yogurt the day before the BIG day!! 

This is what he wanted for his last meal before school: Firehouse Subs :) 

This sweet little angel made me a mom, so it's no surprise that sending him off into the "big" world today is tugging at my heart strings. I've never been one to want to safe guard my children so much that it inhibits their ability to learn, make choices, and do whatever it is they were sent from heaven to do. But I would be dishonest to say that I'm not extremely grateful that he's pretty much only had my influence, his fathers influence and his brothers influence for the first five years of his life. I've been very open with him, and have taught him a lot but I've never overexposed him to the things that he will no doubt come across in this crazy, incredible, maddening world. 
My prayer and my hope as I sent him off to school today is that he will be kind. That he will use his incredible gift of observation and notice the boy that is sitting alone, the little girl that is missing her mom and dad extra hard that day. My prayer is that when he struggles—when he falls—he will get back up. That he will NEVER give up. My prayer is that he will use his gift of intellect to seek answers, to be inquisitive, to feed his creativity and his love of learning. My prayer is that his gift of obedience, and listening will make him the leader others long to follow. My prayer is that his sensitive heart will lead him to make good choices. Above all my prayer is that he will remember who he is, the words we recite to him every night: you are a leader not a follower, a creator not a destroyer, a believer not a doubter. A force for good. A force for God. A leader. Defy the odds. Set a standard. Step up. Everyday in every way you get better and better. 
I'm so proud of this little man that has the most expansive soul in the universe. 
We are all rooting for you little man! You got this!

Beck's draws a pictures for his K teacher. 

We loved putting together this survival kit basket for Becks teacher.  

I have no idea why my head is glowing 👼 ...either the Angels are answering my prayers to protect this little one on his first day of school, or my camera sucks. On another note, I love this hug he gave me and all the 👍🏻👍🏻 he keeps doing 😻 #mylittleboy#allgrownup #kindergarten #firstday #school

Last kisses 😘😘 (mike wasn't here so I had to take all my own selfies 😂). #love #mylittleman#nevertoooldforkisses #kindergarten#herewecome #firstdayofschool

I may or may not have cried in the gym bathroom 😢 #missthislittledude #firstdayofschool#keepittogethermom #allsmiles #kindergarten#herewecome

Cute as a button 😻

Haha white trash mom made a side turn down a country road, all the while ripping off my seatbelt telling beckahm to grab his school supplies and make a run for it through the back woods. Bahaha...hey at least we weren't late ‪#‎bestmomawardgoestome‬ ‪#‎helovedit‬‪#‎hesstilltooyoungtobeembaressedbyme‬ ‪#‎teeheehee‬ ‪#‎offtoschool‬‪#‎kindergartenherewecome‬ ‪#‎tumbleweedsandall‬

His teacher LOVED her survival basket #beckahmmoment #kindergarten #firstdayofschool#teacher #appreciation #gift

So long little man. May you make a big impact on this big school #lovehim #bigday #proudmama

Flying Solo! 

Can't believe it's just me and this little fireman! #ionlyhaveonechild #amarisabouttogetspoiled

A friend sent me this...made me smile from ear to ear "Dropping off Luke. Beckham is chatting away with everyone at the table."

Pickng Becks up!!

The best 5 minutes of film. He told me all about his day. Wish I could post it all, it was awesome! ‪#‎mrbeckahmtheincredible‬ ‪#‎firstday‬ ‪#‎kindergarten‬‪#‎conversations‬ ‪#‎hewasmadeforschool‬

Donuts after his first big day at school! And I bought him a Yoki disk. 

All tuckered out from school 

Love love love these school lunch aids: sandwich cut outs/stamps, animal picks for finger foods, silicone cups for snacks and sauces/dressing ❤️❤️#schoollunches #ideas #afewofmyfavs

Day 2 lunches.  I know this will get old after a while but right now I am loving putting lunches together for this little man! 

And we are off! Second day of K! Brotherly love!

Train Park fun with Amari! He is loving all of this time with Mommy! 

Lets be real, you've got to be creative when waiting nearly 40 min to pick up big brother. 

Picking him up will forever be my favorite part! Always a big smile on his face! 

School Block party.  The kids had so much fun on the bounce houses, running the track and wrestling mom on the grass! 

I secretly like when they fall asleep on their own.  This little guy was so exhausted from his first week of school he couldn't stay awake watching the movie "The BFG" 

First REAL week of school for Becks! 

I love the way he comes up with answers to things when I say "I don't know." He is so smart.  

Amari has had a hard time this week seeing brother leave for school.  He has been quite emotional seeing him go :(

He is always so stylish. Never without a bracelet :)