Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Becks Thanksgiving Lunch/Program

I LOVE Becks being in school for these very reason: Thanksgiving lunch/program!! 

Amari and I got to come each lunch with Beckahm today.  Amari was so excited to be around the big kids, to stand in the lunch line and get his food, and sit in the cafeteria by his big brother and eat with him; it was adorable to watch.  

Becks was so excited to see us! He loved showing us all around 

CUTEST Thanksgiving program EVER! I felt the spirit as they said the pledge of Allegience, as they sang songs about Christ.  I am so grateful we live in the South and are surrounded by other Christians.  Beckahm was so stikin cute sitting up there singing all the songs, being so polite, and using his manners.  He was chosen to be one of 4 ring dingers and it was incredible to watch him take his job seriously and perform his little heart out.  I love this kid! 

It was a SUPERMOON (comes once in every 20 years or so); we pulled over to take it all in!