Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beckahm's Swim Lessons

Beckham officially started swim lessons at the YMCA.  I was glad he was in the same class as some of his friends, which, I think, made him adapt to taking lessons from an unfamiliar teacher that much easier The teacher encourages the parents not to attend the lessons so the kids learn to rely on the teachers instructions so I didn't attend his first two.  I was so nervous and excited for him for his first lesson.  I dropped him off at kids club and worked out, then went to take him to the potty before his lesson.  I secretly watched as the teacher came and got all the kids that were in the swim class from the kids club and have them hold each others hands as they walked out to the pool.  Beckahm was in tears, fingers in his mouth, looking around like "where are you taking me."  It broke my heart, but I knew this was a much needed experience for him.  Even if he doesn't really learn how to swim entirely without his floaties, at least he is learning how to be brave, take direction from a teacher, and learn a new skill.  

Corrie, on of my friends, whose little girl was in Beck's class, was in the pool taking her other boy swimming and she said he hesitated when the teacher told him to jump in but after that he was perfectly fine and even loving it.  My friends took these pictures for me.  I was so proud of him when I picked him up and saw a huge smile on his face.   I could already see, as the week progressed, that he had so much more confidence in himself in various aspects, just by taking swim lessons.  He has lessons 2x a week, and so far he's done great.  Becks is the type where he does fine with something as long as you really explain things to him, be upfront and honest with him.  I love this little boy that is growing into a little man more and more as the days pass. 

I am going to sign him up for tri-sports (b-ball, soccer, and t-ball) at the Y the end of May.  I am excited he is at the age where he can try different things and see what he enjoys doing the most.

Becks last swim lesson

Celebrating his accomplishment; nothing like frozen yogurt