Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Weekly Update

Big man, getting around.  Hasn't started walking on his own without holding onto something but he is getting there!

 Painting inspired by book "Papa Please Get The Moon For Me"

 A little fun at the mall

 Oh how I love his super big grin!!

Walking through Target

Beckahm's new shoes

Aldridge Gardens

 Bath Time!

 I was so stick with a stomach flu and little Amari was wandering the house trying to figure out what he could get his hands on

Beck's loves stopping at the gas station to buy a drink and get a piece of candy

I was so proud of Beckahm, climbing to the top of these rocks all by himself; he didn't even whine! 
 Amari's four front teeth are coming in!

Amari's eating frenzy

Amari watching Beck's and his buddies watch tv
 My sis and I wore scarves the same day...a million miles away but bonded together via a hair accessory :)

Beckahm jumping off the couch