Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekly Update

Beckahm watching Madagascar with Britton Mae.  I love where she stashed her jolly rancher :)

 Beckahm is so random and funny with his play.  He wanted us to dress in our rain boots and rubber gloves and march through the house

 So serious watching Teetnage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Who would have thought they would still be popular among kids???

 Having so much fun taking baths together.  No one can make Amari laugh like Beckahm

So this is how I found Beckahm's wall one day after his nap: artwork at it's finest! I couldn't be upset because he did such an awesome job. However, now he shows it to me and says "look mom, rainbow...but no, no, no color on wall, just paper."  HAHA

 Amari starts solids.  He LOVES carrots! He didn't care too much for pears at first but now he is taking a better liking to fruits.  He has had peaches, rice cereal, carrots, sweet potato, beets and regular potato. He loves carrots and the beet/potato mixture.  He also loves the yogurt and sweet potato bites I bought at the store.  This kiddo is such a big eater.  He can already eat a ton of food!

 Amari sitting up on his own for about 30 seconds now at 7months old

 LOVE this big cheeks!!

 Story time with the boys (not without some drama :)

 Amari finally gets enough hair to spike

 Beckahm was so thrilled to see his silhouette drawn with chalk. 

 Made a race track out of decor tape; he loved it

 Making a bird feeder

 He loved these homemade teething bars

 Mama goes red! I was initially going to go chestnut brown but when they stripped my color to this crazy blonde/red, I decided what the heck; I would be red for a while! I LOVE it!!

 The girls decided to make Friday park day for all the little kids who don't have school.  Beckahm loved this new park we found and he LOVED playing with all his friends.  I loved being able to converse with the ladies and get some advice and share some common frustrations :)

 His first swing at a pinata
Mike and I sat Bentlee and Britton one morning and we took them to get ice cream: SUCCESS!