FHE gratitude wreath. We are thankful for transformers, gum, our brother, good health, our freedoms, cats, good food, our faith, nature, and so much more. What are you thankful for? #expressgratitude #happythanksgiving
Watching the Macy's TG Parade!
Our first year hosting TG. I took pictures (“Little friend” + Grown up table) because my house will look this pretty for about 5 minutes till 7 kids are running through it
😂. Grateful this year to be surrounded by friends we love and care for so much @cathyw815 @kristinekayb #itsnosecretilovethrowingparties #happythanksgiving

Endlessly playing + laughing with friends....who could ask for a better way to spend the holiday?
Humor is everything to me! I’m so grateful for friends that we not only share belly laughs with but people that share so many of our same values. Our kids are the best of friends—I love watching them play, fight, and love each other relentlessly. I only wish we all lived on the same street.
❤️#nothinglikegoodfriends #happyfriendsgiving

Playing this with the kids....we didn’t get anywhere

Needless to say the girls were competitive....and needless to say we slaughtered the boys

#Cheetahprincesses DREAM TEAM right here @cathyw815 @kristinekayb...if this were a real profession we’d be making the big bucks

Everyone’s got a hidden talent and tonight we found out @kristinekayb hidden talent (and no we are not drunk, just a bunch of weirdos flipping whip cream off our wrists). I am still utterly astounded that she caught this

And of course we needed a slo mo version...I’m dying @kristinekayb @cathyw815; funniest thing I’ve seen all night
#pureawesomeness #goingontheresume

#pureawesomeness #goingontheresume
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