Friday, January 5, 2018

*12 Months of Service 2017

Two years ago we decided to involve the kids by doing 12 service projects a year—things that the kids could participate in. This made such a huge difference in the overall feeling in our home. Last year I slacked and we didn't do it, there was a  distinct difference in how the kids behaved and the feeling of compassion and gratitude in our home. This year we are back on track. For January the kids picked out and put together "bed time" boxes for children in need. We filled them with books, a cozy blanket, a night light, and a toothbrush. Today we delivered them to First Light—a woman's/children's center downtown Birmingham. The boys carried them inside and were greeted with so much love, enthusiasm and gratitude. I love these experiences!! There is nothing else that brings me greater joy than to provide these learning moments for my boys, and to impact others lives for good. I hope and pray that these small acts of service will leave a lasting impact on their hearts and will be a tradition that  continues to grow on a much larger scale the older they get. 


This month we took bedtime baskets to children who don't have much.  This shelter in down town Bham (First Light) was so extremely appreciative that we brought these baskets in.  It was such a great experience for the boys to see how genuinely happy and grateful they were that we did that.  I love serving with my children! 


Every Sunday should be spent doing the Lords errand. 
Yesterday we took the valentines we'd made last week for family home evening, to a retirement center. Walking through the halls and the dining room, meeting all of these fantastic celebrities (to me they are celebrities—people we should actually revere and honor, because of the rich stories they have to tell and the way they have lived their lives) was something I will forever cherish! 

We had such a fantastic time giving hugs, handing out valentines, listening to two different George's give us a brief history of their lives. George Ross was the sweetest man; right when he saw us walk into the dining hall, he walked toward us, greeted the boys with so much enthusiasm and told them he had a gift for them. "Why George," I said, you are not supposed to be giving us gifts, we are supposed to be giving you them!" His reply: "Oh, every time I see little ones running around I make sure to stop and give them these". He took out two little flash lights for the boys, telling them how they could use them to chase fireflies and spend hours on adventures with these simple lights as he once did as a child. He also gave them some wing pins, telling us how he had been a pilot for 50 years with Delta. We chatted with him for a bit longer and then made our way around to each table. 

We met so many beautiful people who were so overjoyed to get a hug from the boys, to have someone take the time to let them know they were special and were loved. I had so many women tell me, with tears in their eyes, how we made their day, and how overjoyed they were to see the boys cute faces. 

One lady had lost her husband a year ago and was still coping with the loss, but had found a new best friend who made her heartache a little less. We met two women who had become best friends at the center, who always  stayed after lunch had long been cleared away, just to chat. They told us how they bond over the pain of losing their husbands, and how some times they cry themselves to sleep. I loved hearing their stories; one worked assembling parts to make grenade shells that were used in WWII. Both ladies complimented me on my heels and encouraged me to wear them as long as I could (one telling me she'd wear them even when she was cooking in the kitchen). 
Then there was Nell Halley who was so interested in my religion and was so happy that we brought the boys to come visit her; "please write down my name and number and come back to visit me," she pleaded. 
Then there was George Terrell who was 94 but looked 80 and told us he was a bomber in WWII, and was only one of 11 still alive. He told us he was asked to speak at the rotary club in march—I told him I would try to attend. Then there was Paula Herrington who was siting with George—God sent these two in each other's lives for a reason. Poor Paula was still dealing with the feelings of disbelief, anger and frustration that her children had blind sided her and put her in a home. She was used to being very active, playing golf with her friends all the time, lived in a nice gated community surrounded by her friends, and all of a sudden one day she was put in a home and was rarely visited by her family. She took my hand and thanked me for coming and asked me to come back and visit her. 

After the staff doted on the boys, treating them to cookies, and after we said our last goodbyes to everyone, George Ross stopped us one more time on the way out, asking us if he could show us his pictures. We gladly accepted his invitation. 

Inside his room hung a large display of pictures on his wall of his gorgeous wife and all of their travels around the world. On the other side of the wall was a gigantic map that he had personally framed with pins dotting all the countries/places he'd flown to and visited with his late wife who died from Alzheimer's. He had a laser to show the kids all the places he'd traveled on the map. He then led us into his bedroom where he had more pictures, models of all the airplanes he'd flown, and pictures of when he was a young pilot. It was such an incredible experience to sit and listen to this man—to all of these men and women tell their stories and share their history with us. George was such a happy man. With a sparkle in his eye he said, "I've lived a good life" he said. Yes, yes, yes you have, I thought. 

As we drove home I thought about the legacy I wanted to leave behind, the experiences I wanted to give to my children, the stories I wanted to tell a random stranger walking through the halls of my retirement takes on a whole new meaning and purpose when you come out of these experiences. I'm so grateful for this moment and for the opportunity I had of allowing these strangers to touch my heart and renew my desire to live better, dream bigger, and live life to the fullest. 

Life is so short, surround yourself with people that get it, dream bigger, live better, and seek to change the world for the better.

Making the hearts 

Also during the month of February we did random acts of service/love.  The boys got to pick out hearts from a basket and on the back I wrote different ways to show love.  When they had completed the task they got to pin the heart on a bigger heart. They loved it! 

"Make cupcakes for a neighbor" 

Write a letter to a cousin and grandma 

Draw a picture for your dad :) 

This one he did all on his own: picked me flowers on his way home from school (love him)! 

He did something nice for his brother: 

March: Feed the missionaries and we wrote a letter to Uncle Spencer 

April: pick up liter (in honor of Earth Day)

May: We have a neighbor who is sick.  The boys love going over to her house to play with her dogs (which they and she appreciates).  We took her some bath salts, a candle and some cookies.  She loved the note Becks made for her.  As we were walking to her house Beckahm said to me "Mom, I feel so good inside right now!" :)

Junes Service was all about expressing thoughtfulness to our family by sending the boys Grandparents some pictures they colored. 

For July we send care packages to the military :)

For August we did bags of kindness.  We thought of people in the community that serve us and we put together packages to say thank you for all you do! We chose the mail lady (she helped deliver pkgs to our door when our pkgs were getting stolen); a police officer, the fire dept, and their primary president Sister Morris.  It was such an incredible activity; especially hearing how much Sister Morris needed our bag and appreciated our thoughtfulness, and the awesome police officer we met that was so very kind to the boys! 

"I wish I could fully express how much your thoughtful gift lifted my spirits today! I needed it so badly. Your boys are super special to me, and so are you. Thank you for making me feel loved today- you guys are the BEST!"

I love all of these pictures Beckahm drew (above is for the policeman; below is for the firemen, then Sister Morris—he drew a picture of the church), then the mail lady. 

September we delivered flowers to one of our neighbors whose dog passed away. 


We started a GO FUND ME! 
We embark on our adventure down to Florida October 11 to help those in need after the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Irma. If you would like to contribute, check out our gofundme link in the comments below 👇🏼—super fast, super easy, and such a great way to help our brothers and sisters who have lost so much of what we take for granted on a daily basis. Every donation matters so don't let a small amount deter you from donating. 
Check out the video for more deets (our kids are wild but hey we're keeping it real) Please spread the word! God bless! ✌🏼😘 #hurricaneirma#itstimetogiveback

We have felt deeply moved and inspired to do something to help our brothers and sisters who have been affected by hurricane Irma.

We made this video to share with family and friends—anyone wanting to get involved! As mentioned in the video we have started a gofundme. It would be so awesome if you could donate! Any amount—large or small—will be so incredibly beneficial to those in need. 100% of the donations will go towards the cause. If you have any questions feel free to message me. We leave on October 11 and will be getting supplies this weekend. We are excited to take this journey as a family and help those in need. Please feel free to share the gofundme link with anyone you know that has wanted to get involved in some way. Love you and God Bless!

Here is our gofundmelink.

We were living in AZ when hurricane Katrina hit and we both remember wanting so badly to hop in the car and drive out to help those in need.

We planned a family trip months ago to Orlando. We have decided to make a little detour on our trip and help those who have been affected by the hurricane.

We are making this video to reach out to family, friends, friends of friends, anyone who we know and don't know. We know many of you are wanting to help out in some way. Many of you are far away--living on the west coast and you may not know how you can help. We created a GO FUND me for this Journey we are about to embark on a week. We have been in contact, through the just website, with an nonprofit organization that is currently helping schools and students within those districts that have lost most of their supplies and are in need of quite a few items. We are such huge advocates of education so we figured what a great way to help those who help others every single day. We will be picking up much needed school supply items and also some hygiene items, clothes, shoes, paper goods, non perishable food items, and water, and delivering them directly to the center. Any amount you give is an amount that will be put to good use. So don't let a small donation stop you from giving. Think about it this way, $10 can get 10 much needed hygiene items or 10 boxes of crayons at the dollar store--little things that we take for granted that are much needed right now. And of course if you can give more, that would be great. We will be using our own funds whether or not people donate, but we figured this would be a great opportunity for those who want to help out but don't know how or want to make sure that 100% of their money is put towards the cause.

We are a bit unsure how this will go down with two toddlers in tow. But carps diem right!? The boys have been watching the news and have seen the devastating affects of this hurricane and we figured what a great opportunity for them to realize that even the smallest people can help in the biggest way.

We will be posting videos along the way. So spread the word! Share this video, donate if you can, come along this journey with us.

Picked up some of the supplies for our effort to help those affected by Hurricane Irma. Thank you so much to all of our donors! These kids are going to be so appreciative of your generosity. ❤️

I am beyond thrilled!! Our GO FUND ME for Hurricane Irma has reached 56% of its goal!! 🎉
Thanks to Tamie, Libby, Taylor, Lauri, Beckahm, Dick, and Kimber & Dave for your donations!! 
Whose got $20 burning a hole in their pocket? Only $20 more will get us to an even $300! Click the link in comments 👇🏼to donate. ❤️

This is what love, life, and beauty is made of ❤️❤️. I am so emotional right now as we have been receiving so many selfless and generous donations in our efforts to help those who have been affected by Hurricane Irma. 
I want to thank each of you and tell you that YOU matter! That your donation MATTERS! You have impacted a life and that, to me, is the greatest success in life. 
Your single act of generosity has already started a chain reaction of "paying it forward". Our little 6 year old has been so excited about this cause— as he has followed the devastations of these hurricanes since they were first projected. He saw the news, he witnessed the footage, and he wanted to help. 
He has been watching the donations grow and it has impacted him! Today after seeing two more donations come in, he told me he wanted to join the cause. He retrieved his savings and after counting out his money he told me he wanted to give $25. ❤️❤️
Thank you for not only affected others lives but affecting and inspiring my babies! 
There is no greater legacy I want to pass on to my boys than that of being a light for good in this world through serving humanity. 
So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

A friend of Mikes Mom

We saw the bloodmobile outside the gym and made a quick detour. Go figure they were asking for donations to give to the hurricane victims (perfect way to add to our donation efforts for Hurricane Irma). This was the first time the boys have seen me donate blood—it was awesome that they let them come in and watch. They were so enthralled about the entire experience. They thought I was superhuman getting a needle stuck in my arm 😂😂 #loveexperiencinglifewiththem #wearetheirexample #serve#love #giveback

We've reached our $300 mark! Only $200 more to go!! We are picking up more supplies the next two days. So if you can give please click the link in the comments 👇🏼—any amount you could give would help those who need it most 💕💕 — with Mike Moncur.

Just finished up our last bit of shopping for hurricane Irma victims. This is what $1100 looks like packed into the back of a Tahoe 😲. We have plenty of room to spare though, so if you want to make a last minute donation please click the link in the comments 👇🏼! We didn't quite make it to our goal; we'd love to pick up much needed water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. We are so excited to embark on our adventure down to Florida tomorrow 🎉. Thank you again for all of those who generously donated! 🙏🏻🙏🏻We hope to get some footage of those whom you have helped! #themostimportantthingyoucando #giveback

This go fund me journey started back in Panama City. Hurricane Harvey hit and the boys were watching the news footage when we were down there. I felt like we should go help so we were about to drive out to the area to help out (we couldn’t get a hold of anyone because land lines were down so we had no idea how we were going to actually help. We did get a hold of one campsite that was opening it’s grounds to those displaced from the storm). We received notification that they didn’t want people coming into the state at this time because it would only create more chaos so we drove back home. 

I had saved and planned for this trip to Florida—to take the kids to Legoland and Universal—for almost two years. Hurricane Irma hit one month before we were going to leave for our trip. I knew we needed to help. In doing some research I found this incredible nonprofit organization called OCPS. They service 191 schools in this district. The lady I was in touch with said that some of the kids and the schools in the area were greatly affected. They needed everything from food to water to paper goods, school supplies, clothes, back packs, etc. They were completely moved that we wanted to help out! We were going to use $800 of our own money and we decided to see if anyone else wanted to jump on board to contribute to the cause. We created a go fund me page, posted a video and we sent the message out to family and friends. We were surprised and over joyed to see money and supportive comments come in daily from friends and some family. We ended up raising over $300. 

One of the most incredible parts of this experience was seeing how excited Beckahm was. He prayed daily that more people would donate so we could help more. He also was so moved by others donations that he decided to give of his own $25 from his savings 😻😻. We took him to the store and he picked out $25 things that he wanted to donate. It was so precious to watch. I’m so grateful he could be apart of this entire process. 

After collecting the donations I went shopping for all of the supplies. I ended up separating each donation and sending the donors pictures of what their money bought a pic of their receipt. I think it’s so vital for donors to see exactly where their money is going. Think it’s more impactful for the boys to see where their money goes as well. We ended up filling up half the back of our Tahoe with supplies—it was definitely and exhausting experience but it truly was such an awesome experience. I honestly felt the Lords guidance the entire process. 

We packed for our trip and drove 9 hours to Florida, and checked into our hotel. We received some last minute donations so we went to pick up bottles of water. (We recorded our updates along the way so people could feel like they were along the journey with us). 

I received a call that night from Pam, the lady I had been coordinating this entire thing with and Kathleen, another OCPS coordinator. They both wanted to welcome us to Florida and they wanted to coordinate where we were dropping off the supplies to tomorrow. They informed us that they were in touch with the principal at Zellwood Elementary and he was trying to coordinate a meeting between us and a family whose children attends their school and who’s currently homeless because of the hurricane. Kathleen also told me that they had a surprise for us: tickets to Crayola. I told them we weren’t expecting anything and that those tickets should be given to kids that really need it. She wouldn’t take no for an answer and wanted to give them to us as a thank you! 

The next morning we received a call from the Zellwood Principal and the schools counselor who met daily with the children at the school. They thanked us for this generous act of love and they expressed how surprised they were that we had done all of this. They told us that it was truly inspired because their was one particular family that the counselor had been visiting with (she mentioned she had been thinking about which family to choose to give this donation to for days) and the little girl always came into her office crying because she had lost her home and she always saw her mother crying because “she had lost her dream home”. They didn’t know how or where they were going to get help. 

At this point I was completely overcome by emotion. This is why we are here on earth—to help serve and love our fellow men! 

As we were driving to the school we got notice that two news stations were going to be at the school to interview and broadcast the entire thing. 😲😲. At this point I was a nervous wreck. We never expected this act to grow into something this huge. Mike was making fun of me because I was so nervous but he was just as nervous as I was. 

Driving through the neighborhoods we saw so much damage—trees fallen and stacked by the sides of the road, trees fallen on top of homes. It was so sad. 

Pulling up to the school, seeing the news trucks, and everything that happened over the course of that next hour will be burned in my mind for as long as I live—truly one of the most incredible moments of my existence! 

We were met by the principal, the counselor, the director of OCPS, Kathleen, two news stations, and a few teachers. They thanked us graciously for what we were doing (we expressed we only wish we could help out more). 

They walked us into the school library where the family was waiting—a little girl, age 7, a little boy age 10, and a mother. The boys didn’t know what to do seeing all of these new faces but I was impressed with how well behaved they were being—they were taking it all in. I couldn’t hold back my emotions when the moment we walked towards the family the little girl held her head in her hands and started sobbing. I got down on my knees and just grabbed on to her telling her I was so sorry for what happened. It was completely heart breaking. I looked up at the Mom who was also crying. I began to was all so emotional. You could feel the devastation and pain in that room. 

After our initial introduction we sat with the family and listened as their mother relayed their story. She told us that the storm had hit their neighbors Home pretty bad, the lights went out and they were all huddled in one room in their home (she also has a 3 year old and a 7 month old). All of a sudden a huge tree fell on top of their roof and went through the house. They started screaming and ran out—no shoes—in the middle of the night, not knowing where to go. Ayala told us Arianna is still traumatized from the entire experience because the tree nearly crushed her and her 7 month old Sister. She showed us footage of their house the following morning—so devastating! They now had a ton of flooding and mold issues to deal with as well. They basically had to cut down the tree and clear the debris, with the help of the 10 year old boy, all by themselves. They have filed for govt assistance and are trying to figure things out with the insurance but so far nothing—it’s a complete mess! 

We walked them down to our car, opened the trunk and let them pick what they wanted. Hope and gratitude washed over them. It was that moment that made all of this worth every second. To see their countenances completely transform right in front of us was the most beautiful thing! The kids were so excited about getting new clothes. 

Beckahm helped load up all of the extra supplies onto a big cart and push it back into the school (OPCS will be delivering these extra items to more students in need). 

We went back up to the library where we took pictures with the family and the people who help families like this every day. I was so moved to hear how tight knit this community is and how much OCPS does for all of these schools, teachers, and students. They are an incredible organization. 

The family was interviewed and I was then interviewed (talk about terrifying). They told me at the end of it that this was the best interview they had ever interviewed and asked if I was in broadcast journalism because I was “a natural.” They were surprised when I told them I wasn’t. 😊

I wrote this down below but in saying goodbye to the family I told the little girl, who was beaming now from ear to ear: “just remember how strong you are! If you can get through this, you can get through anything!!” I had her repeat outloud to me affirmations like “I’m strong, I’m smart, I can do hard things, I am enough! I will get through this!” I felt the spirit burn within me. This was a powerful moment that I will never forget! 

It was an honor to serve in this capacity. This “is what I want our legacy to be” I told the director of OCPS: to ignite the world in an all consuming flame of power and love; to let my children know that even the smallest people can make the biggest difference. They can change the world! This is truly all I want to do the rest of my life. It was so awesome to see the boys help out and get involved with this entire process. Mike told me that he felt inspired that this is what we are supposed to be doing as a family and that serving would have such an impact on our kids future. 

This was a post I made on FB: 

I have tried coming up with adequate words to describe—hands down—one of the most meaningful days of our life. My heart swells with so much love, pain, emotion, happiness and gratitude all at the same time. 

Where to start???? (Beware, long post 😂, but it's a good one 😉). 

We pulled up to the school and was met by a wonderful woman who led us upstairs to the library where 2 different news stations were waiting, the principal of Zellwood, the man in charge of this incredible non-profit organization, OCPS, the counselor who helps so many of the children in this school, Kathleen—such a beautiful person who I had been in contact with previous, who works for OCPS and who arranged for us to meet this family, and of course this beautiful family. 

As soon as I saw the little 7 year old girl—face in her hands sobbing—my emotions got the best of me. I just wanted to hold onto her forever and tell her everything was going to be okay. We were informed before hand that she was having such a hard time loosing her home and seeing her mother cry every day at the loss of their "dream home" and the reality of now being homeless. 

We listened as this beautiful, strong mother relayed to us what had happened the night Hurricane Irma hit. The power had gone out and they heard a tree fall on the neighbors house. She moved her 3 year old, 7 month old, 10 year old, and 7 year old into the living room—all huddled close together. This was a complete blessing from God as a huge tree fell through the roof on the other side of the house. Shoeless, and in the pitch black, she grabbed all 4 kids and ran out of the house. You could see the pain in her eyes as she retold this story, tears streaming down her face. The following day they went to access the damage—the tree completely destroyed their house, and the entire house was flooded. It took them days to remove the tree (with the help of their step dad, and 10 year old son). They are now dealing with mold issues throughout the entire house. The little 7 year old is dealing with not only physical loss but she is dealing with so much fear as she saw the tree fall through the house, nearly crushing her and her 7 month old sibling. So incredibly heartbreaking. 

At first the little girl was completely overcome by her emotions and her pain but after the counselor encouraged her to see what we had brought, her countenance was entirely transformed. We had the opportunity to take them out to our car; they were in awe seeing all that that we were able to bring. And they wanted to make sure we thanked all of those who donated! They were beyond appreciative of these much needed supplies. Just to see the families demeanor completely change and to see a little bit of hope restored to them, made this entire trip worth it! 

The principal and OCPS were so incredibly grateful that they could use the rest of the supplies to help so many more families in need. 

I've already made this post so long but we were also able to visit with the principal and the man who oversees and helps distribute all of the donations OCPS receives. Talk about inspirational! The things we learned about this community and all that happened when this hurricane hit was nothing short of amazing! It brings my heart so much peace, hope and joy to see communities reach out in love and service for each other and truly come together as a family (and we are talking a HUGE family—they service 191 schools in this area and all of the families and teachers that go to those schools) when disasters like this occur. So many people are currently waiting for federal assistance, insurance agencies, etc. What a complete blessing that they all had immediate help when this disaster hit through this organization, the schools, the teachers, and the families ❤️❤️. A testament to me (which is rarely focused on now a days) that there is still so much good in the world! 

We were not, by any means, expecting this to grow into something as huge as it did. We had no idea we'd be meeting so many in the community and be given so much thanks, and we sure never estimated 2 different news stations interviewing this entire process. 

Despite my sweaty palms and feelings of inadequacy (let's face if, who likes watching themselves on TV?) 😝, I am grateful that they came so this incredible family could share their story! I'm grateful that the news stations took the time to share something enlightening and as I told them, my hope was that this outlet would inspire others—remind others who have to give back. And to also show, as we are trying to show our boys, that even little people can make the biggest difference. 

"What you are doing—the example you are setting for your boys" said the director of OCPS, "is truly remarkable. I told him it was the only legacy I wanted to leave behind—for them to know it is their duty to help their fellowmen, to be a light in this world, and to ignite that flame of goodness so it spreads across the entire universe. 

Kathleen told us, yesterday on the phone despite my insistence that we didn't want or expect anything, that she was wanted to give us 4 tickets to Crayola. And then when we got there she told us that she was also going to give us 4 tickets to Legoland for next year because she found out we already bought some for the rest of our trip here. I made a pinky promise to those beautiful children, after I exchanged numbers with their mother and promised to keep in touch, that when we came back next year we were going to take them with us! They were so excited—the little boy and Beckahm already started making plans. Kathleen overheard this promise and she told us that she was also going to give them tickets to Legoland as well so they could come with us. ❤️❤️❤️

As we said our last goodbyes and were ready to leave, Kathleen told me that Sea World heard what we had done and they wanted to give us passes to use before we left. 🤷🏼‍♀️At this point I insisted she give them to someone else but of course I lost that battle. 😲😲 I mean wow! The giving was endless today. 

We received countless messages, texts, phone calls, pictures, links to both newscasts throughout the day. My heart is overjoyed by this entire experience. I am beyond grateful to all of you who donated. THANK YOU for making a difference!! The counselor at the school told us this was a complete answer to prayer as the family didn’t know how they were going to get the supplies they needed just a few months ago. ❤️❤️

We are going to keep the go fund me page up a little longer and any donations we receive will be given to other schools/ families that need assistance. 

News broadcast: 

Family getting results for students impacted by Hurricane Irma

More than $1,000 raised to help those displaced by hurricane

By Mark Lehman - Reporter
Posted: 1:44 PM, October 12, 2017
Updated: 2:50 PM, October 12, 2017

ZELLWOOD, Fla. - Some Orange Countystudents impacted by Hurricane Irma are getting relief from one family living hundreds of miles away.
Amanda Moncur said her family was planning a vacation from Alabama to the Orlando area, but when the storm hit, their plans changed.

"We figured this is an awesome opportunity for us to go down there to make a little detour from our family vacation and to help out," Moncur said.
Through a GoFundMe campaign, the family was able to raise more than $1,000 for supplies for those displaced from the hurricane.
Moncur said her church then put her in touch with Zellwood Elementary School, which has dozens of students who are still recovering from the storm.
Yadira Ayala has two students at the school and said her family was sent running during the height of the storm when a tree came crashing through the roof of their home.
"We ran out.  My husband grabbed both of the smallest kids and we had no shoes, nothing," Ayala said.  "We just ran out of the house."
Ayala's seven-year-old daughter burst into tears while meeting the Moncur family at the school Thursday.
"It's about your home is where your heart is and your memories are, so I can't imagine losing your home," Moncur said.
Ayala and her two children have been staying with her brother's family since the storm.  They received clothing, backpacks, gift cards and other essentials from the Moncur family.
"It's a really good blessing from them.  I wasn't expecting it," Ayala said. "It's been hard, but I know we're going to have our home again someday."
Moncur said she also hope the donations are a good lesson for her children on the importance of giving back.
"We hope to inspire them to keep on giving and to spread that love throughout the world," Moncur said.
To donate to Orange County students for hurricane relief, please visit

                 WE ARRIVED in FL! Brings back so many memories of living here! 

Last minute stop to grab some water with the rest of our donation money. 
I am full of so many emotions right now. We were just in contact with OCPS to coordinate our onsite arrival tomorrow. They were so kind and warm in welcoming us to the state of Florida and were incredibly moved by these donations! 
They have set it up so we can go deliver supplies to two of the schools that were hit by Hurricane Irma. There we will be introduced to two families that the principal has chosen to receive some of these much needed supplies—come to find out these families are homeless 😥😥. These kids also come from single parent homes. Can you imagine!!?? 
So incredibly grateful that we have been given this opportunity to serve in this capacity! I only wish we could help so many more. 
If you were wanting to help support this cause we are still accepting donations on the Go Fund Me site (link in comments 👇🏼). 
Stay tuned as this beautiful journey continues to unfold tomorrow. 
And please remember to express gratitude for all that you have been given, because truly we have been given so much! 🙏🏻

This is truly like Christmas morning!!! I could not sleep last night my stomach was full of butterflies. We are so excited to drop off supplies to families in this area who have lost most of what they had from Hurricane Irma #goforthandserve

The boys came up with this song on the way to the school 😍😍, of course when I pulled the camera out they wouldn't sing it #makingmemories #gofundme #hurricaneirma

🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️💆🏻💆🏻 I have anxiety 😬😬. Focus on the cause, focus on the cause! We never expected this act of service to become something so huge! #gratefulbutterrified


A little footage of what we saw driving into the school---so much rubble and so many fallen trees.


Seriously one of the most memorable moments in my life. I love this sweet family. This was a little clip that News 6 posted on their FB. A moment I will always remember. ❤️

The full broadcast by one of the networks

Pics from the News Broadcast 

Becks handing out gift cards

From the OCPS FB Page 

They wanted us to take pics at Sea World 

November we made blankets for the homeless with the help of our friends

December was full of service thanks to Light the World! 

How will you light the world for 25 days?
No matter your religion this is such a fantastic way to get you and your family to spread goodness, light, and joy in the world for the next 25 days. 
Each day you will find a scripture and a short video you can watch with your family. There are also suggestions on simple ways you can #lighttheworldthat day. 
Share this, spread this, LIGHT THE WORLD with goodness, hope, and love! 
Day 1: Beckahm followed our goal of first seeking to understand before seeking to be understood by seeing his brother struggling with a toy and putting what he was doing aside to go and assist him. We also wrote letters to people that have blessed our life to give them thanks for all they have done. 
Here’s the link to the videos: 

Day 2: I love this video of Christ healing the sick and administering to those in need. There are billions of people in need throughout the world that don’t have the basic necessities of life that we take for granted every day. It’s so easy to get involved and make a difference thanks to technology today. 
This is a great charity we donated money to for those who need clean water. Check it out and donate if you can—100% of your donation goes towards the cause. 

Day 3: “God designated the Sabbath as a day of rest, but that doesn’t mean we should be idle on this day. Instead, we should use our time and talents to bless others.” 
Grateful we could fill in as last minute subs for the Sunbeams ☀️ today. Love these little people! They were my little lion cubs as we re-enacted the story of Daniel in the lions den 🦁 🦁 #lighttheworld #giveback #serve#love #maketheworldabetterplace
Some more ideas: 
Donate the skills you use at work to bless someone’s life on your day off.
Get your family together this Sunday by hosting an event such as dinner or an online video chat. Include someone that may sometimes be forgotten.
Identify something from a church sermon that you can do to help someone in need today.

Day 4: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
—Matthew 22:39
Jesus told us to love our neighbors. Whether our “neighbors” live next door or in another country, we can show Christlike love for them through service. We baked some Christmas goodies and took them to one of our favorite neighbors Mrs. Patti and her husband. The boys have such an affinity for them and their dogs. Grateful we could visit with them and bring some Christmas cheer into their lives ❤️❤️ #lighttheworld #loveyoself#loveyoneighbor

Day 5: 
Jesus taught:
"Honour thy father and mother."
—Matthew 15:4
“We shouldn’t wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to express our love to our parents. We can show appreciation year-round by serving them and living the way they taught us to live.”
This one is pretty personal to me but I’m sharing it publicly because it was such a teaching moment for me as a parent—teaching me our true purpose in parenting Gods children. 
This day of service didn’t happen as I would have thought (as listed above—the kids doing something to honor me or their dad); instead it was about them honoring their perfect parent: God. 
These are the moments that remind me what my role and duty is as a Mom. Ever since we got back from Universal Studios Beckahm has been obsessed with Harry Potter. He wanted to start reading the books. I was a bit hesitant thinking he might be too young (he gets scared easily and he is still at the age where he doesn’t know the difference between make believe and reality). I got book one at the library and we started reading it each night. Around this time he started coming into our room in the middle of the night complaining about various things—being unable to sleep because of scary dreams. 
The next morning I had such an incredible teaching experience with him. I told him I felt we shouldn’t read Harry Potter anymore because I felt it was causing him nightmares. He got upset about it. I then told him about my own experience as a kid—watching shows that were too scary and how they affected me still to this day. I also explained that these books were written for older kids, and that maybe when he was older he could revisit them. He was still struggling to understand. I explained to him that there were hundreds of interesting books that were suitable for his age and how he’d miss out on all of those books if he jumped ahead and read the ones that will be appropriate when he is older. He started to get it but asked “why didn’t they make the books for my age?” I told him it was the same as toys—different toys are made to enjoy at different ages. 
I then told him that I believed he would make the right decision and to think about what he wanted to do—to mull it over today and we’d talk about it later tonight. He said “I don’t know what to do!!!” I then told him that he could pray to God about it and that he’d speak to him and tell him what to do. I reminded him that God knew him better than I did. “No he doesn’t,” he said, you’re my mom, you know me best! “Why yes he does,” I replied. “You lived with him thousands of years before you lived with me. Plus he sees everything. He not only sees what you do all day, everyday, while I can’t, but he can see the future. He can see what would happen if you read the book now verses if you waited.” I also reminded him that he was perfect and that he had all of the answers. I reminded him of how imperfect I was—how when he made mistakes I some times got upset or yelled at him because I couldn’t see the situation perfectly. “God would never do that, he loves you perfectly. He is your Father. He wants to help you and he knows all of the right answers.” “Maybe this book is okay for you to read now; maybe it won’t affect you negatively,” I said, “I don’t know that, but God will know.” I then encouraged him to find a quiet moment today to go pray to God and ask him and then to take a moment to listen to His answer. 
I said goodbye and I started loading the car to leave for boxing. 7 min later he came running outside with a huge grin on his face and tears in his eyes. He said “Mom! I went in the office and I prayed to God. I asked him Mom and he answered me!!!!” I asked him what God told him; he replied, “I know I shouldn’t read the book Mom, He told me!” Tears welled up as he hugged me tight. 
I realized in that moment that we truly are their teachers in this life; they need so much guidance at this age. However, our greatest job is to point them to the PERFECT teacher—one who knows them and loves them more than anyone: God. 
How grateful I was for God speaking through me to his son. It is my nature, especially when I am in a rush to get somewhere, to take control; to tell my kids how it’s going to go down, but God used me as his mouthpiece to remind his child to turn to Him for anything. I hope that I can continue to do this throughout both their lives. They gain so much confidence and trust in themselves—that they can make the right decisions—their testimonies grow and their relationship to God, although they can’t physically see it, becomes REAL. 
Beckahm honored his true Father today and I know he’s smiling down upon him. #lighttheworld

Day 6: "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
—Matthew 7:1
Only Jesus lived a sinless life. We should show compassion when others make mistakes, and we trust that others will show us compassion when we have been less than perfect. 
Day 7: "Suffer the little children to come unto me."
—Mark 10:14
Jesus loved little children. We can each brighten the life of a child simply by taking the time to show that we care. #lighttheworld

"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."
—Matthew 5:44
We may not get along with everyone, but we shouldn’t be unkind to anyone. Jesus showed us the ultimate example of loving an enemy.
Reach out to apologize to someone you may have hurt or offended
Stand up for your peer in front of a bully.
Focus on being kind to the person for an entire week.
We are on lock down today so the kids are practicing love and forgiveness for each other (which is turning out harder than I had imagined 😂#lighttheworld

❤️🙌🏻 this video! Even through a simple act of service we can make someone’s day!
"I was sick, and ye visited me."
—Matthew 25:36
Sickness and hard times affect us all eventually. We can help lift those who are suffering, even if all we do is devote a little time to visiting them. #lighttheworld

Day 10:
"Search the scriptures."
—John 5:39
The scriptures contain the word of God, relayed to us through inspired servants. As we study the scriptures, we grow closer to God and gain a clearer vision of our purpose on earth.” 
Beckahm’s first time being in a live nativity. He was as still as a statue. 😇So grateful for the sacrifices people made to keep these sacred records especially the one proclaiming the best news this world has ever received! #jesusisborn #lighttheworld

Day 11: 
"I was a stranger, and ye took me in."
—Matthew 25:35
“We find it easy to serve and show kindness to people we already know and love. But we don’t fully follow the Savior’s example until we extend that same kindness to people we don’t know.” 
When I read this this morning I immediately thought of this incredible experience we had a few months ago. This organization is incredible! They are the ones in the trenches everyday, bringing light, hope, and help through their incredible generosity. They have forever made an impact on my life. I have kept in touch with Ayala and although they are doing well they have yet to rebuild their home after their devastating loss during Hurricane Irma. Please continue to pray that they can receive the funds they need to rebuild their home 🙏🏻🙏🏻 #lighttheworld

Day 12
"Blessed are they that mourn."
—Matthew 5:4
“Crushing burdens and tragic losses can nearly overwhelm people at times. To show Christlike compassion, we should comfort those who mourn, helping to lift their heavy hearts.”
So grateful the boys have been able to lift our neighbor, Mrs. Patti’s, spirits as she has been going through a year long sickness. They have helped play with her dogs, bring her countless cookies and gifts, and made her cards and brought her flowers. We continue to pray for good news as she travels to CA to seek treatments she can’t receive here 🙏🏻

Day 13: 
The boys love this beautiful lady! She is like their second mom (since half of their life they have lived at the gym 😂). She has literally known Amari since he was a few weeks old and has known Beckahm since he was 2. 
When Beckahm read this today he knew exactly what it was, “The Golden Rule”. I asked him what he liked the most that other people did for him and of course he said “when people surprise me with presents” 😂 (I mean seriously who doesn’t love that ??). 
We wanted to wish this very special friend a very Merry Christmas and let her know that we love her so much for always watching out for and taking care of the boys and just being the greatest! Love, love, love you Swedish lady! ❤️❤️ #lighttheworld

Day 14: 
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
—Matthew 6:21
“There’s nothing wrong with having possessions as long as we don’t lose sight of more important things. When we focus on what really matters and on serving others, we can find real happiness.” 
Our family motto is to leave a legacy of service and love wherever we go. I’m so grateful for not just the monetary ways we have been able to help others but the lasting friendships and the memories that have been created through serving others. I hope the boys grow up seeing service as a gateway to growing their eternal family. Family extends far beyond blood; humanity is family! 
An early Merry Christmas to a family we love! ❤️

Day 15: 

"Blessed are the merciful."
—Matthew 5:7
“Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf was the greatest example of mercy. We can follow His example by extending mercy and compassion to others wherever we can.” I will leave this one anonymous but I am truly grateful that we have had the opportunity to help a family in need #ifyouhavegive #lighttheworld

Day 16: 

Jesus taught:
"[I was] naked, and ye clothed me."
—Matthew 25:36
Along with things like food and shelter, clothing is a basic need. It covers us and can keep us warm. We can share with people to help them get the items they need. 
Donate some old ones to a charity or thrift store.
Buy a new winter coat and give it to someone in need.
Consider purchasing through an online store that donates a portion of an item’s price directly to a charity of your choice. 
Every year we try to go through all of our things and donate what we don’t use or need. This is not only cleansing but it reminds you that there is so much that we have that we don’t need that others are consistently living without. #lighttheworld #recycle #giveback

Day 17: 

Day 18: 

"Forgive men their trespasses."
—Matthew 6:14
Allowing anger or resentment to fester will never lead to happiness. We must make amends with people before bitterness destroys our important relationships. 
One of the hardest things to do is to forgive. This came at the perfect time for Mr. Beckahm who said to me this morning “I will never forgive you for taking my cards away from me” (he lost his advent present this morning since he complained about what he received). Later tonight after watching this light the world video he said to me “I forgive you Mom!” ❤️❤️#forgiveothers #lighttheworld

Day 19: 

she often goes unthanked but we are so grateful for our mail lady! Thanks to her we always get our packages! 

Christmas Eve we bought McDonalds for the homeless, assembled the food and delivered it to them.  It was such an incredible experience; I hope it impacted the boys forever