Tree lighting ceremony! The kids loved meeting Santa!
Getting into the Christmas festivities at The Summit with friends
Time to pull out the red lipstick and start the Christmas festivities. Kicking it off with a trip to the farm to cut down our very first real tree! This may just have to become our yearly tradition....the boys love the farm and they couldn’t get enough of horse back riding (modern cowboys with their Vans
🤠 ) #sweethomealabama #christmastraditions

He found a little buddy :)
Trimming the tree!
One of THOSE moments that you never want to delete from your ever
😂#realperfection #myparentsareweird

Decorating their felt tree
House decor
Saw this new way to do an advent calendar, loved it!
List to Santa
Ward Xmas party and Beckahm's first time being in a nativity; he was still as a statue
love this silly munchkin
Proud mama!
I'll be surrounded by two more males in a few day! EEK the boys don't know what is coming to them! Merry Christmas in deed! We welcome Blue and Ni (after Niyonsenga who we sponsored in Africa and lost earlier this year)
Their first time doing a gingerbread house!
We love our library so much! Such a fun Xmas play they put on for us!
Hoover library Christmas movie and Christmas carols
Friends Christmas party
Amari loves seeing the trains at the Science Museum during Christmas and Becks loves the zipline
I'll miss singing these hymns
We served the homeless McDonalds meals (on our "service" post in the blog) and then we went ice skating. I was so impressed with the boys, they love it and they did pretty good
Tradition open a present on Christmas Eve
Love this book my mom sent us
Book Grandma Moncur sent the boys
Christmas Day! It is so magical with kids! The best part was surprising them with their kittens, Ni and Blue. They were upstairs with me when the door bell rang (they had already opened all of their presents); they rushed to open the door and outside it they found a box and it was moving :). They came inside and opened it and the cats pushed their heads out of the box and the boys freaked out! They love these kittens so much
He loved his bracelets
Orange rolls for breakfast
I was so spoiled by Mike! I love his wrapping paper job as well :)
We love Vans!
I opted for a robe this year :)
Fun at the science museum again with friends
Fun at the Zoo light Safari
I love my mom and I miss her, especially during the holidays
To Mom
I just want you to know how much I love you and how grateful I am for all of the love, patience, support, and confidence you’ve given me over the years. Every time this year rolls around and I put out the Christmas decorations (especially my treasured wooden horses that bring back so many wonderful childhood memories), I think of you. Whenever I put up my tree I always think of the villages you had under your tree each year. It was something I looked forward to the most every year. I’d sit under the tree for hours and play with the Mr. and Mrs. Clause ice skating on that mirror rink. And I’d study all of the houses and come up with so many stories about what the house smelled like, what people were talking about, what their dreams were, and I’d dream of living in a place like that one day.
I miss you especially this time of year. I always play the same Christmas songs you played for us growing up in your home this time of year—Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton Mannheim steamroller....I love that I get to pass on these same traditions to the boys, it makes me feel like I am passing on a bit of you.
I could go on and on. But know that I love you and I think about you every day. You have been the perfect mother for me.
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