Sunday, January 11, 2015

Beckahm's First Talk in Church

Beckahm was assigned to give his first talk in primary and it was only his second week since advancing to Sunbeams.  The theme was "Jesus is the Son of God." The week prior I had printed pictures and came up with a simple talk he could give about Jesus.  I was so proud of him when I told him we were going to practice every day.  Literally after the first time I ran through the talk with him he had it memorized—such a smart kid.  We encouraged him and got him excited about it all week long; he knew it by heart and was so excited for the big day.  Beckahm does so much better in life situations when you explain things in advance so we got to church a bit early on Sunday and he practiced standing at the podium, in the primary room and he did his talk so well.  When it came time for primary Mike and I stood in the back of the room and watched while they did opening was so precious to watch how quiet, reverent and obedient he was.  As it was nearing time for him to give his talk he would turn around and look at us, giving us a HUGE grin, and a thumbs up—so adorable.  I helped him up on the stand and the minute he got up there he became a bit scared and he asked me to help him. He would whisper the talk in my ear and then I would say it into the microphone.  I was seriously so proud of him; he was so brave and did such an amazing job!

As Mike and I were walking around the building getting some church stuff done I had three different people come up to me and tell me things about Beckahm that they thought were amazing and loved.  The husband of his Sunbeam teacher approached me and said "I just have to tell you what a stud Beckahm is; I had to go into Sunbeams last week to help my wife because two of the girls were misbehaving and Beckahm was being so good; he was acting to reverent and listening and being such a good example and leader. He is seriously such a cool kid!"

Then the lady that plays the piano came out of the primary room and said "that Beckahm is amazing! He is on a roll in there! They keep asking questions and he just raises his hand and says 'I can do that' to everything they ask! What a confident little boy he is!" One of the teachers came out and patted Mike and I on the back and said "whatever you are doing with that child is truly spectacular; that Beckahm is just so confident and believes he can do anything, which is something you don't see a lot in children today.  We asked who in the room could build a house, climb a tree. . . and every question he said "I can do that!" As she told me this tear filled my eyes and I felt such pride swell inside my heart.  I told her how much this meant to hear because this was one of the hardest struggles for Beckahm since he was little, little: he would always say "I can't do it!" And he would give up on whatever he felt he couldn't do: going down the stairs, riding a bike, getting dressed, etc." And now look, here is is today, after we coached him time and again, pushed him, and told him "I can't do it" is not something we say in our home," standing confident in Primary giving a talk, reciting his Articles of Faith, and telling the class that he can do things! I can't explain how proud I am of this little boy.  There is truly nothing that brings me greater joy than seeing your children succeed in life!