Monday, January 5, 2015

Beckahm Starts Sunbeams

It is said that history turns on small hinges, 
and so do our lives.  

Decisions determine destiny. 

I have to give a shout out to my little man: it was his first day in Sunbeams and not only was he on his best behavior, and completely fearless, but when they asked who knew the first and second articles of faith, he raised his hand, stood up in front of the whole primary and recited both the 1st & 2nd Articles of Faith. I was astounded when his teacher told me; I knew he knew both Articles of Faith perfectly because we recite them nightly but I never thought he'd recite them in front of a big room of unfamiliar faces...I couldn't be prouder of this fearless, brave, smart little man.
This experience only taught me two much greater lessons: don't give up on being vigilant in teaching your kids--even when it doesn't seem like they are listening or retaining much, they truly are. Second, it is said that history turns on small hinges and so do our lives.  Decisions determine destiny.  We have the responsibility to prepare our children for the life moments (large or small) they will encounter in this big world--I'm so grateful that when Becks was presented with a question, he raised his hand, fearless in his answer because he was prepared ‪#‎beckahmmoment‬ ‪#‎proudmama‬ ‪#‎sunbeam‬ ‪#‎fearless‬ ‪#‎knowledgeispower‬‪#‎smartkid‬ ‪#‎inspire‬ ‪#‎children‬ ‪#‎bigworld‬ ‪#‎be prepared‬

New year; New suits.  This is the first "suit" they have owned; I love them!!