Friday, September 7, 2012

First Dr. Visit

Despite not having insurance yet, I reached my 2nd trimester mark so we decided to go ahead and make an appt to see the Dr.  We met with our Dr., who seemed really laid back, responsive, and friendly.  I had my exam, and we were able to hear the babies heart beat which made the reality of being pregnant that much more present.  Everything seemed good except he did want to run some tests because I didn't remember receiving a rogham shot (I am rh-negative) after Beck's was delivered, which could be quiet serious for this next pregnancy.  The tests are extremely expensive, so we are hoping and waiting on our insurance to kick in before we get them done.

The Dr. also wanted to know about the delivery of Beckham, if there were complications, etc.. I told him after Beck's was born I had convulsions for 8 hours straight and the nurses and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  He was stunned about the entire thing, telling me exactly what I was experiencing at the time and was quite appalled saying I was having seizures and he couldn't believe they didn't know how to remedy the situation; he said all it would have taken was one administration of a medication and the seizures would have stopped.  He just kept shaking his head in disbelief telling me I was lucky to be alive today, that if it had gone on much longer my liver would have exploded and I wouldn't have made it.  WOW, that would have been nice to know at the time.

Needless to say, he is having my records transferred here and he will make sure to have a specialty Dr. on hand the day of delivery in case we run into the same problem.  If I wasn't already terrified of going through another c-section and the future risks that could place on my body, I am now terrified of living that horrific experience of having seizures all over again.  UGH! I hope it is a totally situation this time around.

Hopefully by the end of the month we will be able to get our first ultrasound and be able to tell the sex of the baby! We can't wait!!

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