Sunday, August 26, 2012

Visit to AZ

I am so grateful I was able to take a trip with Beck's to see Dave, Kimber, their kiddos (including Baby Nixon whom I was able to meet for the first time), and my mom who was there to help out during Nixon's extended stay in the hospital.

Beckahm did awesome on the plane, both there and back; I am so grateful he is such a good traveler.

It was incredible to watch how much he grew the 10 days I was there; he started doing so many new things, which I wrote about on his personal blog.  He became so attached to his cousins, looking forward each morning, with a big smile on his face, to see them, play with them, and simply be around them.  Tayte and him even became little buddies towards the end of the trip.  Ty and Madix were so sweet to Beckahm, they treated him so nice; it was precious to watch.  It made me sad that we still weren't in AZ and able to have Beck's grow up around his cousins.

We had a fun 10 days, playing with the girls, doing science experiments together, jumping on the tramp, swimming, going to the park, having a picnic, going to McDonald's for lunch, playing games around the house, etc.  Kimber even got us a babysitter when Nixon got home from the hospital so the adults could go out to dinner and see a movie; I can't tell you how long it has been since I have been without Beck's—it felt so good to have some adult time for the evening.

I was so grateful that my mom was able to see Beck's as well; he has grown and changed so much; it was awesome for her to be able to interact with him and for him to get to know his grandma and cousins better.  By the time we left he was attached to all of them.  He loved waking in the morning and being greeted by all of his loving cousins and he LOVED being able to explore a whole new array of toys—the likes of which he'd never seen at home.  He got spoiled being in the company of GREAT people and having kids to play with and multiple adults to dote him daily.  One person he fell in love with was his buddy and Uncle Dave.  He was so happy to have another male around the house when Dave would get home from work or before he would leave each morning.  He looks up to Dave so much; I have never seen him break into such a big smile and follow someone around so much; it was precious to see.

It was definitely hard to leave; in all actuality I was dreading it.  I was able to attend our old ward on Sunday and nearly broke into tears as I saw old friends and familiar, loving faces.  Everyone loved seeing Beck's as well; they have known him since the day he was born.  Oh, how I miss our old ward, being close to family, and our life in AZ. I can't wait for our time in Florida to be over.  You realize just how important family is once you have a child; not only do you need a break from being a mom once in a while, but it wonderful to see him grow up with his cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Here are all the MANY wonderful pics of our stay in AZ.

The girls caught a lizard; it was so hard for them to let it go

Beck's was obsessed with playing outside; he doesn't have a yard in FL so each day he would point outside and want to go swimming or jump on the tramp.
Grandma taught him how to go down the stairs on his tummy; he learned the method fast and became a pro by the time we left.  It was awesome to see him overcome such a big fear of his. 

We helped the girls make a "Welcome Home" sign for Nixon

Hose on the tramp; Beck's was obsessed with jumping on the tramp.  He would giggle, fall, get up, jump, clap his hands, giggle, fall, and giggle some more; it was so funny to see. He HAD to jump at least once a day or he would have a tantrum. A tramp is a must in our near future.

Swimming with his cousins and Grandma.  

On our way to the park

Baby Nixon; he is such a sweet baby!

I made the girls "cloud dough"; they LOVED playing in it and making a tremendous mess of their backyard. "Snow in AZ" they kept saying!

Baby Nixon with Beck's.  There were moments he was jealous of the attention I would give to Nixon, but overall he did a good job.  He didn't want much to do with him, but I suppose that is expected at this age. There was one moment he gave him his blankie, binkie, and baba, which was adorable.   It was a good experience for him—prepare him for his future job at being a big brother :).  

Lunch at McDonald's.  

Thoroughly enjoying dipping his fries in ketchup. He cracks me up!

Ty carried Beck's all the way of these steps to the big slide and her, Mads, and Beck's made a train and went all the way down it. He was beaming when he came out the end of it.

Nixon's first bath

Beck's couldn't get enough of the broom and mop; he loved sweeping the floors—my big helper!

He was obsessed with this little car.  He loved cruising around in it.  I got one for him when I got home.  

I love these pictures with Nixon and Beck's.  I wish the could grow up together; they would be little buddies!

The big sister!

Playing peekaboo with Madix

Picnic at the park

Daddy with his little boy!

Ty and I had the same shorts; we coordinated wearing them on the same day :)

You can't beat the sunsets in AZ!

Best buddies! Beck's and Uncle Dave

Dave and Mads in action!

Cloud dough fight at the park!

Ready for church!

My handsome little boy!

Beck's with Grandma Eastman

AHH, I love this one!

Back at our old stomping ground; Westgate.  I got all my maternity clothes at Quicksilver—two hats for all the days I am not going to be doing my hair, some flip flops for all the days I am NOT going to be wearing my heels, a pair of comfy baggy pants, and some comfy t-shirts.  I am set! Bring it on baby weight!

Okay so this was a funny, scary incident.  All the girls, including Tayte, were jumping off into the pool and Beck's wanted to try so Kimber would hold him and he would jump in and Grandma would catch him.  Kimber's teaching method of getting them to learn how to swim fast (she teaches swim) is to have them jump right in, go under the water, and have them swim to the side.  After doing it a couple times he jumped off, flipped over and went all the way under and grandma couldn't see him.  I went into panic mode; all I could see was his little yellow diaper floating under the water.  Finally Grandma found him and pulled him back up.  He didn't want to do it again after that.  

AHH! They became little buddies after a few days. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED looking at all the fun pictures you took. We miss you guys! Wish you still lived here. Hopefully one day and Becks and Nixon will be buddies. Thanks for coming, it was SO fun having you guys!!
