Friday, August 3, 2012

Science Museum & Mommy and Tot Day

There are so many things to do with toddlers in West Palm Beach.  These past two weeks we went to an event at the mall where different vendors hand out free crafts and toys to the kids and they also get free train rides and free carousel rides—so fun!

We also attended the Fort Lauderdale Discovery Science Museum, which is one of the coolest museums I have been too.  Unfortunately Beck's didn't have the greatest time because he has hit the stage where he is scared of unfamiliar territory, loud noises, and come to find out large animals :).  He did enjoy playing on the jets, buses, and seeing the live otters and the sea aquarium though.

We have yet to see a Dr. for a first check up—still waiting on insurance to be approved.  UGH! What a nightmare our healthcare system is in America! I will probably be 15-18 weeks by the time I get in for my first appt.

Mike is still working away; four more weeks till he gets Saturdays off and we enjoy some kind of normalcy in his work schedule.

Those are about all the updates on our end, just keeping busy with a toddler who is active as ever, trying to work through the nausea and extreme fatigue I feel every day all day, and enjoying the sights and activities Florida has to offer.

Wish we had family that would come visit!!! :)

 He is obsessed with cars!

 Fun at the mall

 His first train ride! He was so excited!
 On the carousel 

 Surprise! Grandma Eastman sent Beck's a pkg with some cars! He can't stop playing with them!!

 Art project for Spencer.  Paint every where!!

1 comment:

  1. We would LOVE to come visit. We WILL make it there sometime before you guys leave.
    Good to see what you've been up to. Hopefully you start feeling better soon!
