Saturday, September 8, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

We enjoyed the day at the beach, playing in the sand and in the ocean.  We had a bbq later that night at a local park and went rollerblading along the lake. Beck's loved roaming through the forest all on his own, exploring, chasing these huge birds that couldn't seem to stop following him, playing with sticks and rocks; he reminds me so much of myself when I was younger—totally content and capable of exploring his surroundings and playing on his own.  It was an enjoyable holiday spending quality time together as a family!

Beck's got his first car! He loved this thing when we were in AZ visiting Dave and Kimber.  Daddy was gracious enough to put it together for him.

I made homemade raspberry freezer jam for the first time; Beck's was such a great little helper, helping me stir in the ingredients.  He loved eating it on his toast the next morning; it turned out delish! 

 This is his eating a lemon :); a love/hate relationship.

 He has been so fascinated with putting on me and Daddy's shoes lately :).

 My little stud trying on clothes, he is such a poser like his mommy!

 He loves playing with his kitty, Nika

 And he loves trying on Mommy's shower cap :)

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