Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Moncur Schedule

Not much by way of new events this past week, although Mike and I did find an amazing, cheap Mexican dive—Carolinas— that I now find myself craving on a daily basis. So I thought I would write about our daily schedule.

Obviously our schedule fluctuates on a daily/weekly basis but there are a lot of consistencies, especially now having our little man.


Wake 5 a.m.: Nurse Beckahm for 20min. Usually he wants to go back to sleep within 20-30 minutes. After every feed/activity/diaper change I put him in his woombie, rock him, give him his paci, and sing a song before laying him in his crib to sleep (he loves putting himself to sleep). Then I pump for the 11pm "dreamfeed" Mike will give him. Then I eat breakfast and go grocery shopping for the week.

8 a.m.: Nurse Beckahm (20 min). Again, he wants to go back to sleep about 20-30 min after his feed.

This is my chance on Monday's (every other day I go after his 5 a.m. feed) to go the gym or do a variety of workouts for 1 1/2 hours at home, which sometimes I divvy up throughout the day depending on how much time I have in the a.m. I love this time for myself to clear my head and push my body to get back in pre-pregnancy shape which is hard, hard, work btw! :)

11 a.m.: Nurse Beckahm (20 min). Mike plays with Beckahm, we have family prayer, and then B and I either run on errands together (I try and get them done before his next feed) or we start his daily activities (12-1) after Mike leaves for work.

His activities after each feed vary throughout the day (he can usually stay up about 35 minutes): We play, listen to music and sing/dance around the house, read books, talk (I try and teach him something new every day), I make up "nonsensical, magical, stories" for him that he loves (always with him as the hero of course, for example today was "Beckahm the Wizard," yesterday was "Beckahm the Prince" who helped his village ward off an empty-bellied dragon), have tummy time or practice rolling over, have "Beckahm time" (usually in his swing or watching baby Einstein videos), play my guitar and sing to him, go on errands, go for a walk, sit outside and teach him about nature.

2 p.m.: Nurse Beckahm (20min)/activities with B.

3-5 p.m.: "Amanda Time" which is usually project driven (listed below). Sometimes I will take a half—hour nap.

5 p.m.: Nurse Beckahm (20min)/B's bath time.

6-8 p.m.: Make din din (I eat), watch the most meaningless, ridiculous show —"The Bachelorette"— but there is something intriguing about it that I can't put my finger on (my guilty pleasure I suppose).

8 p.m.: Mike gets home some nights around 8-8:30. Mike eats dinner. I nurse Beckahm (20min). B spends some time with his dad and then goes back to sleep. He kind of struggles during the evenings at times getting to sleep but he has slowly gotten better.

9-11 p.m.: Mike and I have our alone time which includes FHE, watching some TV, talking, etc.

10:30 p.m.: sometimes if I am really tired I will go to bed after we have scripture study and prayer. Mike most days of the week gives Beckahm his bottle in his sleep at 11 p.m.

And then it starts all over again . . .


Tuesday's I clean the apartment. In the evening Mike and I have a "no TV night," and we work on our goals (usually a service project or something that edifies both of us as a couple).

Wednesday's Beckahm has story time at the library with other mom's and newborns.

TV show: So You Think You Can Dance (LOVE IT)!!!

Beckahm's bath time

Thursday's Mike and I "check in" with each other in the evening— make sure we are communicating, having a good week, fulfilling our weekly goals, etc.

Mike goes to his ward missionary meeting/splits with missionaries


Friday's Mike and I usually watch Dateline or 20/20 while Beckahm is sleeping. For some reason we love those mystery/murder shows (weird, I know).

Saturday I get everything ready for Sunday, Beckahm has his bath, and Mike and I have date night. We try and go out to eat and watch a movie (redbox or netflix).

Sunday: church from 9-12 p.m. After church we catch up on sleep, have family council, I update my journal/blog, hang out with family, etc.

Monthly: Visiting Teaching, Home Teaching, feed missionaries, try and serve in community, I am looking into joining a community group where they have discussions relating to things of a political/philosophical manner, and I recently enrolled in some educational classed BYU offers for free online.

*These are the projects I am working on (or TRYING I should say, when I have my down time). There is always stuff keeping me busy, as if Beckahm wasn't enough :)

Compiling a book of my school papers/writings

Getting my Grandma Barbers poetry published

Re-reading college papers (I am always trying to keep my mind intellectually stimulated)

Trying to post all of our pictures/videos on a private website so we have them backed up

Putting together a compilation of videos related to Beckahm for his blog

Putting our wedding video together (FINALLY)

Sewing more cuffs (I can never make enough with all of the different fabric I have lying around)

Continuing to write my book (I have about 40 pages right now)

Compiling/editing my dads stories that Mike was able to record when he was visiting us (hopefully I can get a copy sent out to every one in the family)

Continuing to work on the book Mike and I started and want to publish one day: "Hold It"

Start an organization (Mike and I really want to start a charity and are presently looking into it)

Recovering data I lost on my hard drive—UGH!

Putting our Photo Books together online:

Recipe book

Mikes art book

Beckham’s books

Wedding book

1st year of marriage (2009)

2nd year of marriage (2010)

Bahamas/Mexico (all cruises combined)

Road trips—NC, IN, TN

Book for dads bedtime stories he told us as kids

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