Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things I Love About Mike

When someone leaves you realize, more than ever, all of the things you love and appreciate about them. These are just a FEW of the things I love about Mike:

  • I love that he thanked me the other day for staying at home to take care of Beckahm and expressed how much it meant to him to have me sacrifice so much to take care of our family and home. "I don't know how you do it," he said, "but I appreciate you so much!" I was grateful for his recognition and support in my choice to be the caretaker of our boy
  • I was so appreciative of him coming in to give me a foot rub while I was nursing Beckahm the other day—so thoughtful!
  • I am grateful that he wants to continue fighting for our marriage—to stay committed to our companionship and make sure we are always growing as a couple
  • I am grateful he helps take care of Beckahm—plays with him, holds him, changes him, and gives him his nightly feed
  • I love that he makes me laugh and is still silly with me
  • I am grateful that he works so hard to support our family; that I can count on him as the provider of our home
  • I am grateful he is such a "family man"—he is good at making Beckahm and I a high priority in his life
  • I love the way he dresses
  • I love his kisses and hugs
  • I love when we can have good conversations about various subjects
  • I am grateful that he is dedicated to serving the Lord through his calling and that he holds the priesthood.
  • I am grateful he wants to do more with his success—help those in need
  • I love his creative and artistic nature. He makes up the cutest poems for me that make me smile, such as:
  • My babes, I miss you one hundred two million three hundred percent...
  • My heart is stretching and etching and feeling so bent...
  • Geez, I need now! Yep, today would be great...
    Maybe you could fly down... on a plane to this state...
    If I worked out a deal I could even buy you lunch....
    Or if you get here early enough we'll do brunch...
    I'm dreaming I know--it's a little under realistic...
    But I I wish it was over realistic...
    Cause I miss you one hundred two million three hundred percent...
. . . I miss him already . . .

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