Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

First I must say it is getting HOT here! But we are still loving it! Mike is braving the heat each day, telling me "it's not that bad," as he continues to knock. I am impressed with his ability to be out on the doors in this weather.

It was fun spending the Fourth with family; we are grateful to live close to Dave and Kimber and to be able to spend time with them and Kimber's family.

Sunday was wonderful—second time being back at church with our little kido and he did fabulous (napped during RS, and sacrament). After church we headed over to Ben and Judy's and enjoyed a yummy dinner, played games, and hung out. Beckahm was once again such a trooper, napping when he could and handling all of the crazy noise we were making as we played a game. He is starting to adapt more which has helped tremendously when Mike and I want to go places. He just needs to start learning how to nap any where and every where other than at home in his crib.

Mike had to work the 4th, but when he got home—around 6pm—we headed over to Dave and Kimber's to watch the Fireworks at Goodyear Park. The heat was a bit hard to manage, luckily there was a slight breeze, but it was worth it to be apart of Beckahm's first firework experience. I was so surprised at how much he LOVED it. He sat on my lap and gazed up into the sky in awe; he couldn't take his eyes off the lights. He got a little scared by the really noisy ones but he didn't cry one bit. I am so proud of him; he did awesome.

It's true what they say: holiday's become even more enjoyable with kids; it's like experiencing everything again for the first time. I love our little man!

We hope all of you had a happy and safe 4th of July!! How grateful we are for the freedoms we enjoy and for those sacrificing so much by being abroad—away from their families—and fighting to keep our nation safe and free.

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