Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I just love Michelle's kids! I have an affinity with Maile—she is just so stinkin cute. The past few days she has been staying here at "grandmas" with me while her mom is at girls camp. These are some of the conversations we've been having (every time she opens her mouth I want to record what she says, it is so unbelievable :).

So lately all of our conversations have been about "Uncle Mike" or "Tootie Fruity" as she calls him. She loves her Uncle Mike, "he makes me laugh so much, he is sooooo funny . . ." So yesterday while we were having "tea" after dinner, the following conversation starts (I can't do it justice because I can't describe her mannerisms or voice but it is so cute). She says "I so wish Mike was here right now having tea with us", sigh. She continues, "you know what I think? I think he is crying right now. I really think he misses us. I mean he doesn't have anyone there with him now that you left him. He has Nika but she can't talk to him, she's a cat." She continues after thinking about it, "he needs to have some good friends to talk too, people to keep him company. I mean I bet he can't sleep without us, eat without us, or anything like that; we should just call him, I think he would really like that."

Then this morning she got to see Uncle MIke on skype, one of her favorite things to do, and she rehearsed to him all the things she learned about Noah and the flood last night during FHE. He made her laugh by being his funny self and she just loved it. After we hung up with him we made our picnic lunch together and sat outside and ate just chatting away like two best friends. The entire time she spoke of Mike, it was so funny. She's like "I bet Mike misses us right now, already." She lets out this big sigh, "oh I wish he was here with us right now having lunch. I just want him to be here. , . . I think that we should have tea tonight and have him join us on his computer." Then as she is sitting contemplating for a while she says " I think it is so mysterious that he doesn't travel with you. I mean why isn't he here right now?" I said I didn't know, maybe she should ask him later. Then she says this to me "you know what I think it is? I think he stayed home cause he needs to make money. I mean if he didn't you guys would be poor." She rolls her eyes and says in a matter of fact voice, "I mean what would the world be like if men didn't work? Everyone would be poor. If my dad didn't work, we'd be poor!" HAHAHA I was really trying not to laugh. Then she says to me, "we have to solve this mystery about Mike, I mean what does he do when you aren't there? I think we need to spy on him and figure it out." We continue eating and she's like "I really want to come visit you in Seattle; I hope my mom let's me." I tell her that I live close to her grandparents and she sits and ponders that for a while and then says to me "okay, we really need to talk about this and figure something out!" HAHA Then she says "I think you and Mike should move to Oregon. I wish I could see you everyday. I think you should just move next door to me and live on our beautiful ranch, that way you don't have to drive from Grandma's to our house to see us." I told her that would be a perfect plan and that there would definitely be room for us there because we didn't have any kids. She says to me "we can share kids; we can come over to your house on the weekdays and on Sunday you can come with us to our ward and sit by us" . . . .

I told her she needed to talk to Mike about all of her plans :).

She is unbelievable! I am not even making up what she said—EXACT words that came out of her mouth. I hope I have one just like her one day!

Out for ice cream

Helping grandma make jam


  1. Oh My Goodness that was the most adorable post EVER. so cute. I could hear her, see her eyes, hear her sighs. She is the cutest niece. I miss her. SO fun you could spend some one on one tea and picnic time with her, what a wonderful Aunt you are.

  2. HEllO!!! BEST AUNTIE AWARD! She could not stop talking about the time she got to spend with you guys. I will call you tomorrow and finish talking to you. My phone died on the way home last night and I do not have your phone number memorized. Love ya. We are coming up at the end of the month!!! Yeah!!!
