Wednesday, August 4, 2010


These are what I am going to start calling Maile-isms—so unique to Maile! :) HAHA. What age is she again? Oh ya, four. I forget that every time I am with her.

Maile: "I think it is so intuitive that . . . ." Sarah: "what did you just say," all flabbergasted. Maile: "intuitive . . ." (Ummm how does she know that word)??

Maile says to me one day, "I so wish you had your long hair," sigh, "ohhhh I miss your long hair. Why did you cut it?"

"Let me think about this . . ."

"I miss Mike, can we call him now I bet he is home from his meeting."

"I know who Jesus' mother was—Mary!"

"I like Jesus in this picture he just looks so much like himself."

"I know why you don't have kids right now . . . you haven't been married in the temple. You can't have kids until you are married in the temple."

"I really wish the Lord would bless my mom with a baby. I want a baby sister so much."

Grandpa during FHE: "How many people were on the arc with Noah Maile?" "Hmmmmm," tapping her finger on her chin, "let me think about this. . . ." as she shrugs and says in matter of fact way, "I would say probably 60 or 20."

"Aunt Amanda did you know I'm a vegetarian? But I am only half vegetarian."

All discouraged, "Amanda, I think Jaxen is right. I think fairy's don't exist. I mean we can go to Ireland to see but I think we are wrong in thinking they exist." She looks out the window and sighs all wishful and says, "but I think we should keep believing, because maybe if we do they will come alive."

"Jaxen, Aladdin isn't dumb, it's Disney!"

Maile: "who is this in this picture?" Amanda: "It's me Maile." Maile: "Well, you don't look like yourself."

"I only like moose meat."

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