Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rest of Week with Family

Just a quick update on the rest of the weekend:

Sunday we went to Michelle's ward and then headed over to Mom's to bless Tayte. She was so cute, dressed in the dress Kimber was blessed in when she was a baby. She was calm the entire blessing. It was so neat to hear and see Dave bless his baby—I am so glad I had the opportunity to be apart of that special moment.

We had dinner at Stacey's—potato salad, turkey sandwiches, jello salad, and homemade ice cream.

Monday some of the fam went on a hike in the morning and then we all met at Stacey's for Dave's infamous brunch he makes: sticky rice, eggs, avocado, tomato, summer sausage, kalmata olives, hot sauce and lime juice—yum! What a treat it was! I am so proud of Dave, I didn't know he was such a good cook!

We sat outside and visited for a while, had some good laughs, and then Michelle and I went to see Twighlight which was pretty good but also super cheesy at parts ( at least we got a few good laughs out of it). We went to dinner afterwards at this Greek restaurant in GP. It is always so much fun to be with my sister, I love her so much! We decided, when we saw the trailer for "Eat, Pray, Love," with Julia Roberts, coming out in August, that we are going to read it together—I heard it is a book you want to share with someone you love— I am excited to have that to do together.

It was sad to say goodbye to Dave and Kimber; it was so good to spend some time with them and their family.


  1. Thanks for all the cute pictures you took! And thanks again for traveling down to be with us last weekend. It was so good to have you there!

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  3. How fun! Glad you had a good time. What a fun idea to read that book together.
