Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I wrote this to Amanda when I was in Kansas City and all I could think about was her!!

when the sun shines or when the moon illuminates the black night....I think of you..
when i feel the wind on my face.... I think of you.
when i read something inspiring or uplifting....I think of you.
when i put a Bass Pro hat on....I think of you.
when i get a text or a phone call....I think of you.
when music plays....I think of you.
when i open my window and hear the chirp of a cricket....I think of you.
when i wake up in the morning and when i go to sleep at night....I think of you.
when i do NOTHING AT ALL....I think of you.

so i guess you could say--you are on my mind....which i dont mind.
the smile on my face doesn't mind
the butterflies in my stomach don't mind
I don't mind

In response to the text you sent me saying you were thinking about me. So i figured I would let you know that SOMETIMES....I think of you too. :)

Then Amanda responded:

so remember the question, "whens the last time you cried?" It officially changed to this morning.......(and it was a GOOD cry)...if I had more than five minutes to get to class and fix the mascara on my face I would write you more. I want to write more of a response to such an amazing email, and I will. In the mean time THANK YOU for being vulnerable.

ps and I don't care what "they" say (about not being able to miss someone you haven't met)...... I miss you incredibly!

1 comment:

  1. That is too cute! We were cute, CORRECTION—are cute!! :) I love you even more today!
