Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An e mail from my babes the night before we went to NYC! I could hardly sleep either! I was proposing in ONE day! I hadn't been able to sleep ALL week at that! We were both so excited and had such an amazing weekend getaway! Such fond memories... :) LOVE YOU BABY!

I LOVE YOU--even in the wee hours of the morning...what is it now like 2am????......For some strange reason I woke up twice, once just an hour after I had fallen into a very deep sleep--I literally thought, at 11pm it was 5:30 and that it was time to wake up to come get ready and see you, to GO to NY with you!!! And then I gazed at my glaring phone light and it only read "11 p.m."--totally bewildered me.....in a state of TEMPORARY frustration (cause who can stay frustrated for long when a few hours from now a plane would depart to the most incredible city and I would be on it WITH the most incredible MAN EVER????!!!!! FYI YOU are that man :).......Into ANOTHER deep sleep I fell, waking up feeling so refreshed and energized, ready to go..."surely my body is on target this time," I thought...but AGAIN to my surprise, the clock on the phone read "2a.m." "I wonder if Mike's experiencing the SAME phenomena?" I wondered. "Probably not......"

I decided to try some more nasty vinegar/honey concoctions to help my aching throat before attempting to sleep ONCE again.....and I decided to check my mail..."You have mail," it read....and lo and behold my baby didn't disappoint....THANK YOU for making my 2 a.m. awakening a delight...I love reading your words and I DO LOVE YOU SO MUCH....I find it hard, as the days progress, to be without you in my life-permanently!!!!

NYC here we come....5 1/2 hours in counting....THRILLED, ESTATIC....COULDN'T be a MORE anticipated trip.....I can't wait to spend three days and two nights with you....spoiled to be in your presence THAT many hours :) I love you baby....you are my life, you are my family, you are THE man I want to be with



duh-your babe!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh that was cute! I forgot I wrote that, thanks for reminding me :). I love you so much babe! That was the most incredible date I have ever been on! Thanks for always making life special! The pictures took me back, gosh, almost a year ago to the date :). I love you incredible! Thanks for the best proposal ever!
