Monday, September 14, 2009

remember when!

This is an e mail Amanda sent me when we were just getting to know each other, right after we had talked on the phone for the fist time. It's fun to go back and read some of these emails because they bring the sweetest feelings to the surface and remind me of how wonderfully our relationship started. And it looks like Amanda got what she wanted! :) ( a cat )

K, you want to know the most precious thing that happened this morning? WELL, I'm going to tell you anyway....I was on a walk up the canyon, and the cutest cat EVER (well almost ever--my cat Tom, at home, is pretty darn wonderful :), (the cat was siamese btw--cream body, dark gray tail, and the most precious gray mask around his face with the bluest of blue eyes)---ANYWAY, BACK TO THE STORY :)--so he saw me walking and wanted to get my attention so he ran out into the middle of the sidewalk and flipped over on his back and started rolling around, looking up at me all playful like "please stop and give me some love." So OF COURSE my heart melted and I stopped for a while to pet the precious thing. He was so happy! It was so cute-- he was moving around me, trying to find my hands to get the most out of his short amount of attention time from a total stranger. I started to leave and I looked behind me and YEP he was following me, running after me. I was worried he was going to follow me all the way up the canyon, but he was a good boy and knew his limits--stopped right at the end of his street.....It was the most precious moment, and totally made my morning:)......... I want a cat!

Oh ya and I laughed OUT LOUD a few times when I thought about you and running the other day--"I'm a machine, I'm a machine!" HAHA its makes me laugh right now! :)

Hope your day is amazing!


p.s. I do like your voice! :) It's very cute....AND.....AND I am going to wear my hat today!:)


  1. I'm such a dork! But yes, I am happy got a cat! :)

  2. Your are a Wonderful dork at that. Such simple things you enjoy. I love you tonz and miss you. It will be sooner than you think when you can read books of your choosing. And then you will be thinking, "What should I be doing with all this free time????" Loves.
