Thursday, September 17, 2009

memory lane

This is how we fell in love. It started slowly as we adored each other, as we sent new songs to one another, as we validated one another and as we laughed together. One of the things I fell in love with was how Amanda would share with me little thoughts, quotes or ideas she would have. You'll see an example in her e mail. Amanda still shares with me her deep and sometimes philosophical thoughts and ideas and I fall in love all over again! I love you Baby!


I was wondering, because i was counting all the songs and I was one or two short of 16 and I was like.....where the HECK is the other song? I couldn't have lost track of it that fast!! So thanks for clarifying....that relieves the thought and worry of a lost song. Few!
I'll tell you what wouldn't bother me at duplicating that kiss you sent to me. You can duplicate that as many times as you want. :) In person would be the best time to duplicate it. :)
Okay, I'm getting back to work. should have heard the thunder and seen the lighting last night at about 2 am. It was CRAZY! It sounded like someone took a giant whip and SNAPPED it outside my window! It was so loud! and then the sky and my room would completely light up as lightning shot through the sky. It was nuts! AND then there was what sounded like golf balls hitting my window! I assume it was hail, but it could have been BIG FOOT throwing things at my window.....I'm still uncertain. It's a toss up....BIG FOOT or hail. I'm leaning towards Big's more realistic. Plus there was an immensely oversized handprint on my window....hmmmm? Oh well.


what can I say, I knew I could convince you of THE big foot man......

I put more kisses up for YOU on Planet (I could never tire of "duplicating those"). :)

Hope your day is amazing, better than my evening last night and morning was FOR SURE :) I had such a disturbing phone call, thus my comment to you about being grateful for being who you are--seriously REFRESHING :) HAHA.

I have to share with you, before I end this email, an awesome quote I read in my myth/legend/folklore was a commentary, after the stories, about the relation between meditation and the ability to transform ourselves into a more spiritual person--tapping into the person inside of us-the person that casts off selfishness and looks to the betterment of others.......Quote:

“it is the Savior or the Buddah---Christ--- in these religions who is able to do the impossible, by putting aside his potential for worldly power in exchange for the joys of the spirit. It represents the ‘release of…souls of men from the snare of illusion,’ and that the ‘place of the dance, the center of the universe, is within the heart.” Leeming, Mythology, the Voyage of the Hero

I thought it was brilliant---relating to us all needing to cast off the natural man and embrace the true potential within! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much! I am so happy you keep these things and we can look back on them; I totally remember that moment!
