Sunday, June 17, 2018

Weekly Events

we love our library summer events! Roger Day!! 

Amari is obsessed with the McMullen books I stink and I’m dirty; he loved reading them over and over

“I STINK” aka Beckahm; “I’M DIRTY” aka Amari 💩💩 #bahaha#itsprettyaccurate #brotherscampout

Birthday Party at Brae and Khis; the boys LOVED their backyard. And Becks rode a motorcycle for the first time! 

Summer time has begun. we love our only Day off with daddy! 

Naps in the sun 

How it is at the carwash with them :)

you can't take the west coast babe out of the southern belle! 

How they wake me up in the mornings haha

First slip and slide of the summer 

Day at the mall! 

Best kind of summer nights: flying kites and skateboarding 

Fun in the sun with this one while brother is enjoying Summer Camp 

Gorgeous Summer Night 

I survived THIS today....holy, freakin 🐮 I survived this! Thank goodness for laughing ⛽️ —I went to a completely different world and saw some pretty enlightening things (WHAT. A. TRIP.) #myrootsareamilelong#inearlylostmymind

Just saved Mike 200 dollars! I'm so cheap!

Making cupcakes just because 

Trying to eat more of a plant based diet! love my smoothie bowls

Fun Lego Event at the Mcwaine Center; they had their first caricature done (they were legos guys :)

My little weather forecasters :)

Going to the puppet show (Amari laughed his head off) and cashing in our reading point for prizes

Bike rides