The boys are trying T-ball out for the very first time
๐; they are on the same team. So fun to watch at this age. Amari is having a hard time with it (all the rules and he doesn't really like to run or hold his glove) but he is so good at hitting the ball; Becks loves it—he is also really good at hitting and running. #brothers #tball
⚾️ #thepirates

1st T-ball game of the season! I can’t believe how big they are getting! Amaris face is so stinkin precious; I love how much he looks up to his big brother and finds comfort in his presence.
Watching them at this stage is a riot; I had to bribe Amari to stay in the outfield with skittles (he still sat in the outfield playing in the dirt
๐, and fought his little way to get every ball that came near him
๐) #wouldntwantitanyotherway #brothers #tball
⚾️ #gopirates
Tball has been goin really good. Beckahm is kind of obsessed with it. He is getting so good! He is such a good hitter and he has the best arm at throwing the ball. They did coach pitch for two innings and he hit it his very first time both times!! So proud of him. Amari is so good at hitting as well, he just doesn't like it as much as Beckahm does. He made a friend on the team; it is cute to watch them interact.

Such cuties! I love them in their uniforms!
Becks hitting the ball coach pitch
Our turn to bring treats for the game :)
Tball has been goin really good. Beckahm is kind of obsessed with it. He is getting so good! He is such a good hitter and he has the best arm at throwing the ball. They did coach pitch for two innings and he hit it his very first time both times!! So proud of him. Amari is so good at hitting as well, he just doesn't like it as much as Beckahm does. He made a friend on the team; it is cute to watch them interact.
Last game of the season
๐ข we will miss Tball! It was fun to watch them learn the game! So fun seeing Amaris cute face make it on the big promo poster (not sure what happened but I couldn't load a few of the pictures)❤️

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