So so grateful my parents could come for a week and see a little bit of our life in the South—it meant so very much to the kids; incredible memories were made! We got to take them to some rich, historical sites, enjoy some good food, and most important just be in each other’s company. Beckahm was lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa help out with his homeschooling—so grateful they could be apart of his learning
❤️. We love them and miss them dearly!! #grandmaandgrandpavisit

Every Night: story night
These two though
π....mike and I comment almost weekly how much Beckahm reminds us of General Lee (aka my dad), with his ability to tell stories, over exaggerate, talk and talk and talk; pass out at the sight of blood, magnetize people with his personality, and tell jokes. It was so funny watching them together all week long: two BFFS—chatting each other’s ear off, bouncing jokes left and right off one another, “Grandpa did you get it, haha, did you get it Grandpa??” “Beckahm did you get it? (While poking him in the arm) “Bahaha” they would both laugh—this would go on for hours. I don’t think my dad has ever met his match till now and I don’t think there has been anyone who has appreciated or tolerated his story telling/jokes more than Mr. Beckahm. It was awesome to see these two peas in a pod bond like glue.
❤️ #minileeeastman#itwaslikelookinginamirror #grandpaandgrandmavisit

They loved Moss Rock!
The airplane museum; Grandpa loved looking at all of the old planes and telling the boys how he used to fly a plane. He bought them toy airplanes at the museum.
Favorite nightly ritual for both of them: Grandpa was able to read the stories he used to read to me when I was a kid; Becks loved them!
Touring the civil rights sites in downtown BHAM. It is truly incredible how much history occurred in our own back yard; it is an honor and so humbling to walk where Martin Luther King and all of those who fought for Civil Rights walked so long ago.
Kelly Ingram Park
The Church that was bombed and killed 4 girls.
They loved visiting with the members from the South
Pumpkin Patch
We couldn't believe there was an elephant there!
A night of dominos.
Lazy Sunday afternoon building legos
Love that my parents got to help Beckahm with his studies!! Can’t get any better than Grandma reading to you, Grandpa teaching history, and both of them helping you make Terra-cotta Soldiers from scratch to go along with your studies on China
π #themoncurshomeschool#grandmaandgrandpavisit #china #terracottawarriors

Bedtime stories with Grandma
BHAM Zoo and the Botanical Gardens
My mom was in heaven!
Post Office Pies Pizza in Avondale
Carving pumpkins
π + making s’mores. I love these white pumpkins my mom got for the boys to melt crayons on—so cool #thebestkindofautumndays

Decorating Pumpkins with G+G. Grandma got these white ones for the kids to melt crayons on—so cool!
He tried so very hard to stay awake but just couldn't do it tonight :)
Aldridge Gardens
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