This trip was spent fulfilling our kids dreams. As mentioned in my post on FB, Kathleen was so gracious, she ended up giving us Legoland tickets, Crayola tickets (which we plan to use next year and go back with this family), and Sea World heard what we did and wanted to give us tickets as well 😲😲. We already planned a packed trip but we squeezed in some sea world time. As Becks said “my dreams are coming true! I always wanted to see Sea World!” 😌
We hit up Gatorland—the kids loved seeing the gators; then sea world and did a few rides, touched the sting rays, and saw the Shamu show.
The next two days we went to universal studios—my favorite! To see Amari meet the transformers was the coolest thing ever! Amari chose a transformer toy—heatwave. I love that we got to take them at this age when everything is so real for them! Harry Potter was so cool—mike loved the Butterbeer and Becks chose a wand for his souvenir and got to practice his magic spells. We went on mostly all of the rides—got soaking wet on a lot of them. Becks loves the virtual reality rides the best; Mikes fav was Transformers....I was impressed that the boys overcame their fears and went on most of the rides with us. It was such a tiring two days but so much fun. The night before Becks pushed Amari getting out of the bath and Amari cut his chin open. Then The last 20 minutes at Universal Amari slipped and fell at the Curious George water park. He split his lip open and cut up his nose 🙁🙁—poor little kid! Mike gave him a blessing and the power of the Lord healed him! His lip went down and was pretty much healed in one day!
We checked out of our hotel and headed to Legoland the 4th day. Legoland was unreal! We were in awe by the hotel and the park. Not only was it super clean and everyone was so nice, but the detail they put into it was astounding. The hotel was an experience in and of itself. We got free breakfast (everything was catered to the kids—kids trays, a kids station, fun decor, Lego characters...). In he hotel there is a huge castle with legos everywhere—kids could build stuff all day long. The elevator was one of our favorite parts—disco lights and music (we danced every time we got on). They put a Lego newspaper outside your door in morning, they had a treasure hunt for the kids (they were asked 3 questions and the answers gave them to code to the treasure box. Inside were Lego packs for each of them, and juice boxes). Our room was the Pirate themed room so everything—the hallways the doors, the bathroom, the room, was decorated in pirate LEGO’s; the kids even had their own bunk bed—so cool. At night they had master Lego games (they were fun and silly games put on by some actors—the boys were laughing their heads off); we had dinner at the Bricks family restaurant (they had an ice cream bar for the kids); They had a 15minute theme build competition. Beckahm got to build a dinosaur in 15min and tell about it and put it on display. Then he got to take a class with a master builder and he got to keep the fish he made! Then they had a pj dance party and story time. Truly a kids dream!!
We got through the whole park, saw some shows, met some of the characters—it was an unforgettable experience.
The funniest thing was our Racoon encounter. I bought a snore kit to end our celebration—you got to walk out to the board walk where they had a huge fire pit. We started roasting our marshmallows and before we knew it a big Racoon came over to our chair and took off with our whole bag of marshmallows. He came back a few minutes later and took off with our whole bag of chocolate 🙀🙀. At this point Amari got mad and started to cry. I was crying because I was laughing to hard just thinking of these raccoons back in the bushes making their own s’mores. Bahaha. Those things are so sneaky and they could care less who is around (mike was chasing him with a skewer and he could care less)—funny little thieves.
It was hard to say goodbye to Legoland—a vacation the kids will surely never forget!
Arriving in FL, checking into our first hotel; I miss living here :)—so many memories!
GATORLAND, brings back memories going when I was a kid!
UMMM the best!
We gave Gator Tenders a try
Such a cool swamp
The boys each got to pick out a souvenir, Amari of course chose a gator truck :) (he was obsessed with it), and Becks chose an alligator stuffed animal
OCPS gave us free tickets to Sea World (they heard about what we did and wanted to give us tickets :), so we spent half the day at Gatorland and half the day at Seaworld—busy, busy :)
I mean his faces
😬 I kinda sorta feel bad for making him go on a big ride with a huge drop but then again I kinda sorta laughed.

We have been having so much fun on this trip. Get ready for picture overload in a few days
😀. I have planned and saved for this trip for over a year: Legoland + Gatorland + Universal Studios—a kids dream vacation. Seeing Amaris face meeting his all time favorite superheroes, the transformers, has been priceless. Third day in, we are tired but the adrenaline is still pumping through these veins. Universal is my happy place

Legoland: every kids dream!
Riding the elevator, the best part
Ice cream bar for the kiddos
Funniest story ever! We roasted smores one night and a raccoon came and took the marshmallow bag in its entirety right off our chair; then he came back and grabbed our whole bag of chocolate despite mike stabbing him with his skewer. Amari was super upset at the Raccoon and started crying :), I was laughing so hard because I just kept imagining this raccoon back in the woods making smores for his buddies haha.
Brick or treat!
The fire works were lego bricks—too cool
Bedtime stories by Mr. Beckahm
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