Dinner out with these dudes and gearing up to see
the emoji movie
😝 #friyay

Free advertisement...they should pay me 

Windows Down, enjoying this beautiful fall weather!
I have to remind myself of this daily! Love them both for their uniqueness! They each bring so much love and so many qualities into our family!
He cracked me up getting soooo excited to buy this $1.33 hand buzzer to play tricks on other people. It took him an hour and a half to pick up every single mess in the house to earn this bad boy
😂 #bzzzzz#mylittleprankster #bahaha

Windows down, enjoying this gorgeous fall weather!
LOVE it when they both take a nap, which is rare now
I asked him if he wanted to check out where mommy was training and he told me he actually wanted to give it a shot. I only taught him the punches the day before
☺️; proud of him for running through all of the bag drills with me and putting in some mitt work with Zac. When we left he said “Mom, this is what I want to do!” Such a cutie
😍 #boxingforkids#thegarage

Piano lessons
Nummy Dinner