Teaching this one correct body parts backfired on me at church. During sacrament he yelled out, pointing to mine, "girls have boobies". The kid behind me had a good laugh
😹 #boyshavenipples #girlshaveboobies

When you don't know the lyrics to a song, you improvise #carsoundsalldayeveryday
Love this kid and his dedication to everything he does
When you've waited over a year for the "family mix" to come back and you happen upon it at the store
🙌🏻It's the little things in life....movie night this weekend is going to be THAT much better #thankyouredvines#ishouldhavebought10

1st tomato from the garden this season went to good use: salmon sliders
I had to get a Breakfast at Tiffany's look a like :)
Ice Cream at this cute Ice Cream Parlor and the Botanical Gardens
genius alternative to making an omelet!
Dinner out
Summertime sandals!
I wish I could say this place was the bomb but BHAM does not know how to do Mexican food. The salsa was good though
Somedays they love each other
McDonalds ice cream makes them do cartwheels :)
Just a boy and his caterpillar :)
My sanity, my freedom: working out!
First it was cars (mater and lightening Mcqueen), then construction trucks, then hot wheels, then Transformers; now all day every day: Monster Trucks :) Love his affinity for cars
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