I was spoiled today. I love these little kiddos so much! Motherhood is the hardest yet most rewarding job on the planet.
Mike cleaned the house and did the laundry for me and go the flowers and wrote me a letter. The boys and mike gave me a foot massage (as you can see Amari wanted one for himself :); I got a beautiful gift from church; many mothers day wishes from friends and family, a homemade dinner from Mike, and Beckahm made me the cutest gifts at his school (I love his artwork!). I am grateful for how special everyone made me feel today!
These munchkins will always have my heart

By far the best gifts I could have ever received. This little man is one of a kind. Love his artwork!
Getting sung to in church never gets old!
Mother's Day brings out the best in us mamas—it reminds us to be the best version of ourselves for at least ONE day out of the year (cause let's face it, most days "s words"—as Beckahm likes to call them—come flying out of your mouth; you may or may not have taken a shower; and you cant wait till 8:00 rolls around so you can do the "kids are in bed, I have two hours of freedom" happy dance). Well, today Mother's Day motivated me to do one thing differently (yep, I still took a nap): to put away the frumpy sweats I am accustomed to throwing on the minute I walk in the front door, and actually put on jeans to wear around the house
🙌🏻. It may only last 10 minutes (till I can no longer slay that bowl of popcorn, candy + Pepsi because my skinnies are too tight) but hey 10 min is 10 min

Feel free to leave a comment on how Mothers Day has motivated you, I'd love to hear them (but only if they're funny)
Ahh finally PJ time
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