Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Weekly Happenings

Eli's Birthday Party (Amari talked about it for a year afterward :)

I love the beautiful drive on the way to Becks School. 

Someone had a hard day at school :(.  When he got in the car all he said was, "I'm so tired mom! We walked to too many places today :). 

I miss reading my college books! 

A day at Oak Mountain State Park 

Thankful for a man that rubs my feet! 

Homework time! 

How our week has been potty training.  So grateful it is almost over.  He pooped all over our new rug and I lost it.  Potty training is by far the hardest stage for me.  The only thing that motivated him to poop on the toilet and stick with it was his incentive to get a Transformer.  Once he got one he realized he could get another if he kept going poop all week . . . Success!! 

The duck whisperer, aka Amari (this little fella loved following Amari around every where) 

Daddy and Becks had a date night and so I took Amari out for a night on the town: Park, and Chick Fil A :).  Love this funny little dude! 

Becks and Dad went to a pottery store and Beck's picked out a mug to paint like Pokemon :) 

Another Day at Oak Mountain 

The best class at the Y: Y recovery!

Becks Biffs it trying to jump his scooter

Becks Doing Makeup