Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hoover Days

It's become quite the tradition attending the HOOVER Days fair. This is sentimental to me because this is the longest we have ever been anywhere and it's an incredible feeling to feel a little rooted in something and to look back and see how my children have grown in the exact same spot. This may be our last year attending this so needless to say my heart was very full today. ‪#‎feelingblessed‬

I am such a sucker for fairs!! 

Rides with these munchkins! Amari hated them last year and he loved them this year! 

So very proud of this little man.  He climbed to the top and nearly reached the button; he has a natural talent for climbing! 

I have the same picture of him three years in a row! 

The ambulance was their favorite place to visit. 

He loves posing with the characters!  Amari was still a bit unsure of them. 

Their first time riding a pony. I had no idea Amari would love it so much! He bawled his eyes out when it was over. I think he may just have the Barber gene in him! 

Petting zoo!

Khi and Brae showed up for a little bit

Biggest apple pie I have ever seen! 

Cotton candy!! Amari hated it last year, loved it this year! 

Car show; Amari was in heaven.  These are my dream cars!! 

I had way to much fun with these filters! 

Ended the fair off right with snow cones!!

A look at years past.