Long before we had kids and had all the time in the world to make videos like this, I knew you'd not only be a great partner—because your quirkiness matches mine and SOMETIMES even surpassed it—but I also knew you'd be a great dad because first and foremost you had a sense of humor.
And now we KNOW just how essential humor is with kids pooping all over your house, punching you in the nuts, thinking their life is over when the Internet cuts off their Power Ranger show for a nano-second.
Thanks for keeping the giggles alive, I'd be a nut job otherwise.
*To all of the single ladies out there, this Father's Day tribute is as much for you as it is for my husband. Parenting is FOR REAL and if you don't have a sense of humor you are DONE FOR #laughing #butseriously
Happy Father's Day lover, let's go make some popcorn with Indian accents 🍿

Such a fantastic day: one of the best sacrament meetings I've attended—all about Father's, quality time spent with the boys building legos, riding bikes, playing soccer, a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, Mike got a massage and opened his Father's Day gifts...#feelinggrateful #feelingsatisfied#happyfathersday #thebestdad
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