Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sabbath Observance, Seaweed Monsters, Sleeping Giants, Carwash, Bumps and Bruises, Sprinkler Fun

I was taking a nap and I heard someone by my beside and thought it was Beckahm and told him he knew not to wake me during quiet time.  I looked up in a daze and could't believe what I saw: Amari standing over me.  I asked Beck's if he helped him get out of his crib and he said no.  I was not anticipating this day to come so soon.  

A few days later Mike took a saw to his crib . . . baby no longer. 

Summer nights: ice cream and venturing poolside 

This has become my favorite quote, it can be applied to so many things. 

I love this one too!

Yummy Dinner

My Sleeping Giants

Hard time waking up

They can't get enough seaweed

Becks and Amari's first carwash experience

Our tomato plant is out of control: 50 tomatoes from one plant

I am good at eating popcorn, he is good at building; Marriage: isn't this how it's supposed to work?? :)

We have been trying to observe the Sabbath Day better as a family.  We had a FHE lesson on it and today our activities included art work outside on things that make us happy, and Beck's make cards for his friends that moved away. 

The boys and I tried out our new ice cream maker; it turned out relish! I am so happy Amari can have dairy-free ice cream!!

Geez the gym is getting more strict :).  They both came home with battle wounds today.  Beck's ran into another kid and I don't know what happened to Amari. 

Playing outside with the sprinkler

Brothers can be so cruel!
YMCA pool day