2 full days of playdates with Rhett; they didn't want to stop playing. They went to the pool, played at the house, went to Tree Top Family Adventures, ate lunch, dinner, and watched movies together. They had the time of their lives! Becks was so sad that Rhett had to be moving for good back to UT. It is sad to see such good friends come and go, but I am grateful for the memories they created the last few days he and his family were here. I nearly died when Rhett got the boys bike and rode it down our back yard hill; he totally grabbed Amari, put him on his lap and off they rode (I was laughing so hard). And then Mike was such a super dad that when he got home he saw them playing in the back and immediately went to get the lawn mower to make them a better trail; they LOVED watching him AND bossing him around :).
Ended the day off with slurpees!
More playdates with a NEW friend: Eli; I am friends with his mom at the gym. They LOVED playing together! I am so proud of Beck's for always doing so good at making new friends. He is our little social butterfly.

Becks gets so excited when Daddy and I get to take him out on a date (which we try to do at least monthly). Today I took him to Chuck E Cheese for games and pizza; he LOVED it! I loved dancing with him to the Chuck E Cheese song and playing air hockey; he is such fun date :)
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