Friday, October 19, 2012

Whispering Willows

Two Words: "Whispering Willows."  That's enough to get the hair on your back standing up! Mike and I finally had a FUN date night (by "fun" I mean doing something OTHER than watching a movie).  We took advantage of Lexington's vast amount of Halloween festivities and decided to drive out to the middle of no where—it seemed—at night, and scare ourselves half to death by walking through a haunted forest.  

So let me just tell you that we were second guessing ourselves right when we pulled onto the dark lane and couldn't see anything BUT darkness.  We drove down this winding road, feeling as though we must have found the WRONG place, but nope, at the end of the lane was a creepy old house.  The entrance was decorated all Halloweeny and they had this huge projector playing old scary black and white movies—kinda creepy.  We were greeted by this old lady who had this creepy little laugh every time she exhaled—dont' really know what that was all about but it gave me the heebie geebies.  

We then happened upon this little kid, dressed in a butcher apron who came inside to ask the old lady if she had a bag.  She asked what for and he told her he was sent to pick up the deer head and other carcasses laying outside.  I asked him if he was for real and he totally was, he said "ya, this is our farm, and it is hunting season, we shot some animals today and didn't pick up the remains, so I need to go locate them" (in the dark I might add).  Seriously, could it get any crazier??

Pretty soon we were loaded on a tractor and taken out to the middle of the woods.  Mike decided to choose to sit at the very back (our backs were exposed to the dark night), and we ended up having creepy people jump out at us; I could feel them breathing on my neck.  AND this creepy guy with a Jason mask came riding up behind us on a horse.

At the end of the path we were met by this lunatic who was sitting camp-side by this abandoned shack.  He was screaming at us, telling us about how he had all of these children that he let roam in his forest to find food.  Well, low and behold, we were their meal tonight.  Then he sent us 3 by 3 on our way through the woods with a "good luck finding your way back in the dark . . . oh and it gets darker as you go" warning . . .  CREEPY!  

This was by far the best, MOST REAL haunted adventure I have ever experienced.  I mean this was the real deal—on a real farm, in the woods of back country Kentucky.  These people were the REAL country deal! And the experience just kept getting crazier as you walked this quiet trail and didn't know when or who was going to pop out of the woods and scare the crap out of you.  You'd hear a twig break, look around, no one would be there, and then footsteps behind you . . . AHHHHH! 

They had this awesome maze where you had to figure out which doors would let you out, and we totally thought we figured it out but NOPE, we were just as dumb as the rest of the group.  It was such an amazingly put together maze—mind blowing and frustrating! 

We were utterly amazed that we found our way back.  It was such a great deal: 8 bucks for the best haunted experience, plus they gave you pizza, candy, drinks, and cookies/brownies.  Best date night ever!!

 This is what I looked like the majority of the walk

 He was right on my back.  And YES even Mike got scared!

 My WORST nightmare came to pass: the chainsaw man! I seriously can't handle that part of any haunted house!

 Love conquers all! :)

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