Thursday, October 25, 2012

Aircraft Museum

By far one of the coolest finds I have happened upon: The Lexington Aircraft Museum.  It is a small museum but boy do they have quite a bit of fascinating memorabilia, planes, and helicopters.  The tour was so educational and so amazing to hear about.  I was able to see the first plane that flew in Kentucky.  I forget his name but he was friends with the Wright Brothers and instead of having someone push the plane as they did he attached wheels.

I was able to see pictures and learn about the last four men on the earth who helped pay back Japan after Pearl Harbor by sending them bomber planes (a mission where barely any planes actually made it to their destination.  These four men are turning 100 this year)!

I was able to learn women were the ones who made the planes back then and piloted them (something I did not know); many were the poster children during this time.  One of these women was actually the trainer for all the male pilots who flew during WWII! GO WOMEN!!

I learned about all the planes and where they flew.  I was able to see the first glider to fly the highest and farthest around the United States.  And I was even able to see the fighter plane used in Top Gun! So cool.

The coolest thing, by far was Beckahm's enthusiasm.  He nearly JUMPED out of his stroller with excitement when he saw all of those planes.  The tour guide was so sweet with him—this older gentleman—and let him sit in one of the planes and the helicopter outside.  Beck's was in heaven with all of those buttons and gadgets, he had perma grin.

Before we left we stopped in the gift shop and I had him try on this bomber jacket and he would not take it off—it was so adorable.  I bought him a model plane, he loved it!!


 Power of women behind aviation!

 Men who brought bombers to Japan

 Top Gun Fighter Plane

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