Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Character of God

Mike felt inspired to send this to his family, something we talked about last night laying bed. I thought it was equally valuable to share with everyone here.

Amanda and I were laying in bed and talking after we had read the scriptures and we had an interesting conversation. We were talking about trials and blessings and where they come from. Through talking, I realized that I've had a misconception about where and why trials and blessings come. I thought back to various experiences and trials I've gone through and remember thinking, "Why is God not blessing me?" or "Why do I HAVE to go through this?'. I realized that somewhere along the line, I developed a belief that God withholds blessing from us or puts us through things--that he doesn't want me to be rich or wealthy. I remember times when I've wanted to be making more money and thinking, "Why isn't God blessing me?"

Over the past few months my beliefs about God and my understanding of God's character and will has changed. And talking the other night with Amanda it all hit me and became clear. The lack of success we are having in life isn't because of God. God isn't sitting up in Heaven saying, "Nope, I'm not going to bless you yet. Just don't think you're doing enough." God wants to bless us--he wants us to have all the money and success the world has to offer. What good are we to the Lord if we can never reach outside of ourselves and make a difference in the lives of others because we are so consumed with just getting by and making ends meet? Think about how much of an impact we can have in the world if we can focus on sharing the Saviors love with others by serving and giving to those in need. (That's not to say we can't serve and make a difference just because of our financial circumstance--we can) We can be so much more useful to the Lord if we don't have to spend so much time worrying and working just to support ourselves. Therefore it makes sense that He would want to bless us financially and temporally. So why doesn't He?

The Lord is perfect, just and honest. He is bound by certain laws. He cannot bless us if we don't do our part--it's impossible. If he did bless us when we didn't deserve a blessing he would cease to be God. The universe runs by these laws--nothing can operate or achieve it's purpose unless it follows the law related to it. So what it comes down to is our own lack of FAITH or BELIEF or even our lack of knowledge or understanding. Over and over again in the scriptures it talks about faith and how if we have even the smallest amount of faith we can do and achieve all things. God is the one talking in the scriptures and he is telling us how to be successful--"BELIEVE that you can be and that I will bless and guide you and you will be". He said it, it's TRUE and he has to bless us when we do what he says. He has to! So when we sit back and look at our life and think, "Maybe God is trying to teach me something and that's why He's not blessing us." we're wrong. God isn't trying to teach us He's just waiting for us to BELIEVE in Him. He's probably just sitting there and thinking, "C'mon, I want to bless you. I'm not intentionally withholding blessings from you. I want to give you everything you want and desire that is good--but I can't until you show me some FAITH and take ACTION. Do your part dummy--so I can do mine." And because of free will God isn't going to intervene and make you do something. He's not going to come down and talk with you face to face and teach you how to be wealthy. But He will inspire you, and speak to you through the Spirit. But if we never follow the guidance by taking action He can't and won't bless us.

Well how do we know if we are being guided by the spirit or if it's just our thoughts? Half the time we don't. The key is to take action. As long as your thought or inspiration is good and will lead to potentially positive results, MOVE! If it's not guidance from the Lord it will fall through or something will come up and you will know. As long as you are being prayerful along the way and truly seeking guidance from the Lord things will work out the way they should. But if we never take action or work towards our own future success we show NO faith or belief and can't be blessed. So we have to be pro active and try new things. We have to make things happen. It's up to us not God. God will bless us along the way and lead and inspire us...but it's up to US to make it happen.

Right now Amanda and I are trying to figure out what to do for work and income. I don't want to go out for the summer with a brand new baby. We don't want to leave our ward and our callings. We have no idea what the Lord wants us to do. We don't know what's going to happen this summer. But we've been coming up with numerous ideas and working on putting those ideas into an income. I've been reading a book called, "The Four Hour Work Week" and learning how to create a business and a better lifestyle and I know something is going to come from all this. We are on the verge of something GREAT! I don't know what it will be but I feel it coming. I'm creating a painting line. Amanda and I are writing a book. I'm creating a sales training website. We have an idea for a diet/nutrition meal program. I am knocking twice a week. And we have a few other things. So as you can see, we are working on a lot of things. I don't know what will happen or what we'll be inspired to do. But what I've realized is that as long as I'm doing my part and being pro active in coming up with ideas, working, creating new businesses or products the Lord has to bless us. He said he would and will...He wants to so bad but we have to make things happen and BELIEVE in Him and his desire to bless us so that He can.

Don't let Satan persuade you to have fear. Don't let him distort your idea or perception of God. God loves us all, he cares about us and wants us to be successful in all areas of life. And he wants us to be positive influences on the world and be able to help and share his love and abundance with all those in need.

Maybe you guys have a clear understanding of God and the way he blesses us but I didn't. So I just wanted to share my experience with you because it was enlightening and hopeful. Show God you truly have faith and believe by taking action! Let's make 2011 one of the best years ever! LOVE YOU ALL!!!


1 comment:

  1. absolutely true and inspiring!!! Action is the key . . .Faith without works is dead and the Lord is bound when we do what he says, He is bound to bless. He does know what is best for each and every one of us and he will inspire his children. That is why living to have that inspiration is key!!!! He loves you Mike and He knows you and He knows that you have a desire to bless and take care of your families needs and so by doing your Part, by taking ACTION he will bless you for your efforts. I love you for taking care of Amanda and Beckamh!!! Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts. We can all learn from each others struggles and successes!
