Friday, February 4, 2011

Week with Parents

It is always so enjoyable when my parents can come and visit us here in AZ. My dad was able to join my mom this time and we had a lot of fun times together this week.

After picking them up from the airport on Friday, Mike and I took them out to eat at a burger dive called Lenny's. Sometimes you just need a burger, fries (in my case onion rings), and a shake—YUM! It hit the spot!

Saturday Dave, Mike, Dad, Mom, Ty, Mads, and me went wake-boarding; that's right I said WAKE-BOARDING in January!!! It was such a gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky! Albeit it was a bit chilly on the boat, we snuggled under some blankets and watched as Dave and Mike showed off their mad skills.

Mike and I have never been boating together and I have never been able to see him wake-board so it was a definite treat for me! I never knew he was that good. He was doing some sweet jumps—jumped the entire wake twice—and attempted a back flip quite a few times, nearly landing it. I love it when I get to see his talents. I am so excited for all of the things he will be able to teach Beckham—wake-boarding, snow-boarding, drawing, skate-boarding! They are going to be best buds—two peas in a pod—I can just feel it!

Video of Mike:

It was fun to see Dave as well, I have never seen him wake-board—he's super good!

A few more pics

Later that evening we had a good time eating out at a restaurant called BJ's.

Sunday Mike and I went over to Kimber and Dave's and had dinner with my parents (Dave and Kimber headed up to Flagstaff to take the two oldest girls sledding). We made a yummy breakfast for dinner: pecan coated bacon, OJ, German pancakes, hash browns, and scrambled eggs, and played a three hour game of dominos.

Monday—I headed over to Kimber's and spent the day with mom sewing some baby slings and a blanket for Beckham. They turned out so cute!! Later that evening, after Dave and Kimber got home Mike and I took mom and dad to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. YUM YUM YUM! Dad ordered the 4th hottest sauce from the top and asked to try the hottest one which blew his mind!

Tuesday Mike and I had our 6 month Dr. appt. Beckham is growing like a perfect weed! :) Our due date is April 26th! The Dr. kept saying, during Beckham's brief ultrasound, how huge his lips were and small his nose was so at least we know what part of his anatomy looks like :). We go in now every two weeks and our next visit we get to have a 3-D ultrasound!!! We are so excited to see how much he's developed.

Mom and dad came over and spent the afternoon with us working on all sorts of projects.

Wednesday mom, dad, Mike, and me went to Cave Creek, a place my dad wanted to re-visit while here, that he used to come to back in the 90's. It was nice for him to tour the old town and to reminisce about the old days. A few things had changed, the old tavern restaurant he'd eat at was closed, which he was bummed about. It is actually a cool little town nestled near these huge boulders outside of Scottsdale. It was really fun to walk around despite the chilly weather and see some of the sites. We had a yummy light lunch at a place called Spotted Donkey before heading home to rest for a bit.

Later that evening we met up with Dave and Kimber for dinner at one of Mike and my favorite Mexican restaurants: Ninfa's (best fish/pork tacos—YUMMM).

That was about it for the week, a lot of good food, and good times spent with the fam!

1 comment:

  1. Fun pics! Thanks for the fun video of Tayters. I love the part with her and Meeka. Meeka's such a good dog to just sit there and take it.
