Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Are Pregnant!!!

I can't believe the time has finally come; I thought it would take much longer than it did to conceive. Because of my history with birth control and PCOS I had assumed it would take me at least another 2-3 years to get pregnant so Mike and I decided to get off birth control in March and let my body get accustomed to being off it for a good while. People have asked "how long have you been trying," and the crazy answer is we never were "trying" to have a child, it just happened. So we know if this little one does end up making it full term it was supposed to come to us at this time in our lives.

2 lines="you are pregnant!"
Proud Papa

We are excited about the news. We know it won't be easy, nor will all the adjustments of bringing a child into the world and raising it be glorious and/or easy, but I guess if I was ever going to have a child the time would be now, I am after all 30! Yeah for being 30! I love the 30's!!!

Mike and I both think the little one is a girl but we will have to wait to find out if our inclination is right.

Mike is, of course, ecstatic to be a father and I know he will be a wonderful one! He is so great with kids! I am grateful for both of our traits that will come in handy in keeping a good balance of raising a child.

Right now the biggest thing for us is to find insurance asap, and find an apartment that we like in AZ; so all the prayers on our behalf in those regards would be greatly appreciated!!! I can't believe we will be moving in a month; my how time has flown by. Let's just hope my nausea goes away soon enough for me to make the trip and also the company cruise!!!

Crazy! Every morning I still can't believe I am pregnant!

Not going to be able to wear these cover ups very long! 5 weeks!
I am embracing this baby body!!

Mike found the cutest song/video and he dedicated it to me! So stinkin cute; I love it!!

1 comment:

  1. Precious post! I started crying!Yes embrace that baby body it is going to be adorable. You will be wonderful parents! We are praying for you that all goes well with the baby maturing in that wonderful glorious body of yours, that you get good insurance and you find a nice apartment in Arizona that you will enjoy!
