Monday, August 30, 2010

Discovery Park

Another weekend come and gone—the weeks are flying by here, pretty soon we will be packing up and moving to Arizona, that is right, I said Arizona! Mike and I are going to be relocating to the wonderful dessert :). He is excited about being in the warm weather all year round and I am excited that we will be close to one of my favorite brothers and sister in law!

This weekends events included seeing a pretty lame movie: Prince of Persia (I wanted to laugh the entire time because it was so cheesy), going on a 2.8 mile hike through discovery park with our friends (such beautiful scenery by the coast), dinner at Applebees—yummy riblets, and relaxing.

It is Lauri's 50th birthday today! We are so grateful for her loving support! And wish her the happiest birthday!!

I am excited to see my family in four days! It will be fun to show them around Seattle and eat at some of Mike and my favorite places!!

Little Griffin was such a trooper; this was his first big hike!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited you guys are moving here! In just about a month too, wow! Your moving here at the perfect time, the weather will be beautiful. I think you'll like Scottsdale, it has a lot of cool stuff. Tonz of shopping and good places to eat!!
