Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dinner with Les

Last night I was able to catch up with my dearest, beautiful friend, Les. I just love this girl! We have so much history together—15years—can’t even believe it’s been that long and we are both turning 30 next year—crazy!! The craziest thing is no matter how long we go without seeing each other we pick right back up where we left off. Another crazy thing: we always seem to go through something prior to the other person going through it, or at the exact same time. I love it! Our friendship means so much to me. I seriously feel so blessed to have such a deep seeded friendship with her. We are similar in so many ways, which is so refreshing. It is so nice to just sit with your best friend and talk openly about issues and concerns you are having, and know that they actually GET YOU, KNOW YOU, and ACCEPT YOU. I loved talking to her for hours, catching up, relating about crazy funny things in our life, reminiscing, being ugly and goofy and laughing. Good times! Can’t wait to get together more often and to see cute Nolan, and the next little one to join your family. Oh and thanks for all the “REAL” advice on motherhood; you are the person I will be relying on the most when I embark on that journey ☺, and no, I won’t forget that “it is amazing!” HAHA you crack me up! I love you so much!

Oh and I know you told me not to post these but I LOVE THEM! They remind me of old times. And so you know I took a few ugly ones to make it even :)


  1. Manda, you are in so much trouble for posting these pictures! I really hate to see pictures of me prego, and not to mention the big hideous cold sore I have too! When I am prego it doesn't just go to my stomach (where it's supposed to) it goes everywhere, including my face!!! There I said it... I see this post is a done deal so next time I see you no cameras aloud :) it was so fun catching up! We need to do it again sooner this time.

  2. Whatever! You are gorgeous! As always. Remember that other people don't see all the things we tend to see, they see you in a totally different light! You are beautiful!
