Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bowling with Friends

Friday we were able to spend an evening with some of our friends—Steve and Meg, and Alicen and Kirk (our fellow friends that are, like us, without children :). We went bowling. Despite the mishaps with the bowling lanes, we had a blast. It was good to catch up with some good friends and to laugh and have a fun time. I just love these girls! They crack me up. The first game was guys against the girls, and OF COURSE the girls WON!! Yeah girls! The second game was couples against couples and Mike and I were right there, on the frontline till the very end, and then Megan and Steve won with their spare and strikes. Good times! Can't wait to get together again soon!

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast! Thanks for planning it. Who knew I'm such an awesome bowler!?!? ;) We need to have a girls night out sometime soon.
